Showcase Honda in AZ

19 September 2005
Don't buy parts from them. Or least be very very careful. They put ALL of my Visa info on the outside of the package.
Might just want to cancel that card now and get a new one issued for the heck of it. Who knows who has that info...
Just report it stolen.
I did. Thank you. :smile: I am sure Showcase didn't mean to. But it was all right there on the outside of the box for the world to see. It even had the security # on the back showing.
I hope some Nigerian hasn't bought a new car with before I canceled it. :frown:
I did check and nothing weird has gone through yet. :eek:
Hey,..C'mon,...Thats out'a line,...My wife's sisters cousin, has a nephew, whos brother has an old bloodhound who bit this ladies ass who just happens to have a stepfather who had a guy who mowed his lawn who was nigerian, you can understand I might take offense to your comments, know,...being so close to him and all,................