Should I sell my NSX?

No offense, but there's no nice way to say it -- get over your fears, quit worrying and put some mileage on that baby! It longs to be free! Obviously don't be foolish, but it's no big deal if something bad happens to it... it is just a car afterall. When you worry, 95% of the time what you worried about will NOT happen. If you're not using the car, you're not REALLY enjoying it. Your worrying is holding you back from truly enjoying the car. Get to the root of the problem rather than selling the car -- if you buy something cheaper, you'll still find yourself worrying about it and not enjoying it. Again, no offense intended. It's good to know you look after it.
tbck2793 said:
here's the deal. Now that I have the car of my dreams, I find myself "afraid" to ever drive it. I'm extremely paranoid to take it anywhere! The mall, the movies, out to eat etc.
I am in similar situation as you, except my NSX is 11 years older than yours.
If people would respect other's property. I would daily drive it for sure. I have put on total of 3000 extremely fun miles in 2 years of ownership :frown:. It currently have 25k miles, still in show room condition not a single scratch or ding.

I am afraid to park at places where I can' see the car. I have started driving it a little more frequently and even parked at places where I can't see the car, so far so good, no problems, getting over the fears slowly.

If you absolutely must sell the NSX for S2000, you might also want to consider an used higher mileage 91~93 NSX for a great price.

I am still kicking myself for getting Supra turbo as daily beater, should of gotten a second NSX in another color as daily driver (higher mileage one for around $25~$28k). an NSX owner and also a shrink, I feel compelled to offer my 2 cents on this. I would guesstimate that over 90% of initial NSX owners are a bit anxious and/or paranoid during the early stages of ownership. I certainly was. However, over time the anxiety should slowly diminish and you should worry less and less about it. Just compare this to other new things that happen in life (e.g. babies - you learn over time that they're not made of glass).

Anyway, the bottom line is that if your anxiety is not decreasing, this might not be the best car for you. An NSX should bring you pleasure and joy, not the opposite.

Good luck with whatever choice you make, and keep in mind if you sell it you can always get another in the future.

Now, you can mail me a check for my fee to... :smile:
NetViper said:
Sounds like it is time to give your NSX a new home. Your posts are all the same now about your NSX.

It does have a new home, her side of the garage. I am just giving my opinion to the guy. I'm being totally honest about it. It's not like I am coming on here bashing the car or anything but rather don't feel the same way about it anymore. Nothing wrong with that.
how can you park crooked within lines? around here there's barely enough room in most lots to park in the thing, nevermind enough room to park at an angle. park AWAY from everyone else is the key, no need to park crooked (and piss off the sort of people that like to key cars). i've been doing this since i bought mine in 98 and it's never been dinged or scratched. i've put almost 100k miles on it in that time. just drive the thing!!! my wife on the other hand tries to be careful with her parking, but doesn't go to the lengths i do and we've been to the paintless dent removal place now 3 or 4 times.
if you cant park far away from everyone else, make sure you get an end spot (im parked in a public lot in boston today and generally "make my own space" there to get an end).
I appreciate everyones comments. Some agree with me, others don't. I guess I need to do some soul searching. I've always loved the NSX, never thought that I would be able to have one, but now that I do, It almost seems like it's more trouble than it's worth. I guess I shoud have given it more thought before purchasing.
tbck2793 said:
I know.....I'm just crazy when it comes to a car.......if any of my cars are out in even a drizzle for just a few minutes and have some dirt spots on drives me crazy to drive them again until I wash them.....when I go to the mall, even in my S2000, I park as far away from everybody else as possible because I can't stand having even a small blemish on a car. If I had a ding in any of my cars and it couldn't get sucked out so it's gone....I'd probably have to sell it.

This does not make any sense. You will be anal with "any" kind of car that you have. So, what's the difference between having NSX or S2000? You will be worried either way.. :confused:
I can certainly relate to your fear of driving it. I just pick up my new '05 almost a week ago and I've only driven it twice. Once the day I took delivery of it and then last Saturday's drive in the country. I haven't driven it since because of bad weather. When I am out in traffic, my head is on a swivel.

I'm sure I'll start to relax a little after putting some more miles on car. I say keep the car and learn to relax and enjoy it more.
tbck2793, I'm with Viper's opinion of getting an earlier year nsx. I have a 91 myself and I still freak out anytime I got a door ding or rock chip. At the end of the day, I have to keep reminding myself I only paid 30k for it... well, I bet I can't tell myself that If I had a 04 like you do.

I knew that you are kind of getting a good deal when you get your car, and seems like it never give you any problem.... Here's my suggestion, before you actually made up your mind parting with your mint nsx. I hope you have someone trustable, like wise, parents, in-laws, brothers and sisters, even cousins have enough room to store your car in a safe place. Preferably, you won't even be able to see it in your routine life. See how much you missed your car... That's the only way to find out if you will be kick yourself for selling the car in the future...
No offense, but, this is a hilarious discussion. A few people need to get a grip or go see Dr. Phil. The one post I can appreciate is where it is suggested you purposefully ding the doors to get over your phobia. :biggrin:
Ask yourself this, do you enjoy having the car more than not having the car? Then ask yourself, do you prefer driving the car or to have it sit in the garage? Personally, I buy all my cars to drive them, not to have them sit in the garage for special occasions. My '98 Spa Yellow was a "loud" car and attracted a lot of attention no matter where I drove it, but I still managed to add about 15K miles in year despite having a daily driver. Go out and enjoy the NSX, dings and scratches will happen to any car sooner or later.
Ok, I have to chime in here, becuase this post sounds like one I could have made about 8 months ago.

I had an immaculate, low mile 94 that I never drove anywhere, and even stored in a bubble for the winter, I too was very afraid to take my car anywhere. went through lots of Zymol and Q-tips :)

Six months ago, I sold the NSX and got an 04 S2000. No flames please, but I am having way more fun with the S2000. If I could go back and undo everything I would not, I like it better this way.

You will be amazed how much more you enjoy a car when you let yourself enjoy it. I was never truly happy with my NSX becuase I was so obsessed over keeping it perfect. Here are a few other resons I like the S2k better:
-I own the S2000 outright, I was paying on the NSX, and I had money left over.
- I put snows on the S2000, drove it all winter, didn't care and loved it, no more winter car! (that was actually the motivating factor for selling the NSX, it was a garage space issue)
- I can track the S2000, no way I was going to risk chips, the abuse, etc with my NSX
- the convertible factor
- you can leave it at an airport, grocery store, mall, etc and people will not flock to it (plus for me, downside for some)

You get the idea. From one former NSX owner who made the very move you are contemplating. I did it and 10,000 miles later an still very very happy with the descision and don't owe the bank a cent. :biggrin:


I see where you are coming from, but that doesn't really apply here because he already has a S2000.

If you could have kept your NSX and had a S2000 for a beater, would you?
NetViper said:

I see where you are coming from, but that doesn't really apply here because he already has a S2000.

If you could have kept your NSX and had a S2000 for a beater, would you?

As far as the 2 S2000's, thats a seperate debate (the streetability of the pre 2004 2000 is much different from what I hear).

After everything is said and done, If you could have kept my NSX and used the S2000 as a beater I would not. I would use the S2000 as I am right now and invest/bank the money from the NSX :) I know if I had it back, I'd be just as anal about it and that car deserves to be driven, otherwise it's a waste really.
I too went through my own paranoid/honeymoon period. I went so far as to never drive my car during daylight hours to avoid direct sunlight. I treated the NSX like it was too much car for me but came to the realization that it was just another car that cost so much money and time to repair and maintain.
W said:
I too went through my own paranoid/honeymoon period. I went so far as to never drive my car during daylight hours to avoid direct sunlight. I treated the NSX like it was too much car for me but came to the realization that it was just another car that cost so much money and time to repair and maintain.

That's funny, I don't drive mine at night for fear of hitting a deer! :biggrin:
Good point... The money on the NSX sitting in the could have invested it (like real estate at the rate it's going) and gain another S2000 for free. hehehe.

AaronR said:

As far as the 2 S2000's, thats a seperate debate (the streetability of the pre 2004 2000 is much different from what I hear).

After everything is said and done, If you could have kept my NSX and used the S2000 as a beater I would not. I would use the S2000 as I am right now and invest/bank the money from the NSX :) I know if I had it back, I'd be just as anal about it and that car deserves to be driven, otherwise it's a waste really.
Here is why you should not sell your car! This is a quote from another thread currently on this board!

"It's been quite awhile since I posted, but thought I'd share some observations that might be of interest to the group. I have an 01 Coupe that replaced an 00 Targa. I bought both cars new; when the I bought the Coupe, I traded the T for it. I have, from the beginning, been a huge NSX fan. However, I have other automotive interests, and over the course of the past two years, I found I was driving my NSX less and less. About a month ago, I decided that I would put it up for sale. I didn't feel good about it, but I was so busy with work and other projects that I didn't have time to really think it through. Thank heaven that it didn't sell, probably because I was so poor at returning email inquiries.

I have been interested in the new Ford GT, and in the new Z06 Corvette. I thought maybe I would spend the proceeds from my NSX sale toward one of these two cars. I noticed that both would be on display at the Chicago auto show last week, so I hopped a last minute flight from Phoenix to Chicago with a same-day turn around (I have an understanding Wife) and spent the afternoon at the show.

After several hours of drooling over the iron there, I had one of those rare moments of mental clarity: even though the new models were exciting, it became very apparant to me that there wasn't a car in the show that I would give up my NSX for, especially for the paltry $53,000 or so that I would obtain through its sale. In fact, I decided, if I did not presently own my Coupe, I would right now be shopping for one exactly like it.

Yes, I know that we NSXers may be a bit down on power -- who cares? My car feels plenty quick, and its about the balance, the engineering, and the usable, workaday dynamics of the car. I have another car, which I dearly love. It weighs in at around 2100 pounds and dynoed at 600 hp. (Its a Kirkham Aluminum Cobra). Sure its fun to roast the tires, but for diceing through freeway traffic or on a tight canyon road, I would pick the NSX.

The point of my long winded post is this: There has never been a car like the NSX. There will never be another car quite like it, especially in light of Honda's apparant decision to cancel or delay indefintely a replacement NSX. Someday, the masses will come to their senses. Until then, if you have an NSX, keep it. If you don't, better buy while the price is right."
Take a look at the thread, "I'll never sell my NSX".
I had my 1994 with 30,000 miles exactly three weeks when the elderly lady next to me in the carport gentlely tapped it parking her 4000 lb, old monster - right behind the left wheel indenting ithe fender over a 6x5 inch area. She didn't even know she had done it but the car cover was torn. I was sick of course. But a dent whizzard guy made a perfect repair for $150.

So a lot of dings (mine was more than a ding mind you!! ) can be repaired by experienced craftmen very well and at minimal cost.
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Wanted to chime in here because my wife and I just bought a 02 S2000 and we have had a 91 NSX for the last 7 years. I like both cars but one cannot replace the other. They are different animals, and I would be hard pressed to replace my X with an S2k.

You stated you like the engine of the S2K MY00-03 but the body of the 04+. Why not just get the front and rear bumpers and the wheels from the newer model and have the S2000 you want? That will set you back perhaps $3k max.

I say don't be so wishy-washy and sell the X. You don't drive it, and if you are willing to eat depreciation on 2 S2000's, it sounds like you have already made up your mind.

I agree with the others who are telling you that buying two S2000's is ludicrous. It is like saying I have two new Ford Mustangs that I want to keep the mileage low on. Who would do that? (Well, someone probably would, but I doubt you would find them on this board)

If you miss the X, then go and find a nice low mileage 94. It will set you back mid-high 30's and you will still be ahead of the depreciation curve of the 05 S2000.

My $0.02