Should I change the timing belt/ water pump again?

6 June 2006
So Cal
They were both replaced in 2000 at 36000 miles. Now the car has 87000 miles. Would it be overkill if I have it done at 90K? The mechanic at Jackson Racing says the belt shoud be changed every 90k and it doesn't need to be changed for another 40k. BTW, they got a single roller Dynojet there in Westminster, CA. $75.00 for 3 pulls - no waiting. Supposidly that type of dyno is more accurate then the 2 roller versions.
Timing belt needs to be replaced every 90k or 72 months which ever comes first. I would do it just to be safe and it says to have the water pump inspected every 90k or 72 months. It is better to be safe then sorry but they have been known to last longer but why take the risk?
your timing belt/water pump service is due this year based on the fact that it was done in 2000. Its every 6 years or 90K miles whichever comes first.