should I take my car to the dealer or an a/c shop to diagnose and fix my a/c. What are the good the bad and the uglies, as far as costs, quality and know how. I need a general concensus of all the NSX gurus here.
AndyVecsey said:
Correct. See hlweyl, I am not always a smartass.However.....
Simple. If the independent technician does not have the NSX service manual handy, will he know how part A fits over part B that screws into part C that snaps loose from part D but be sure not to twist part E the wrong way or part F will break? Now, is having saved a few hundred bucks worth potentially having the AC system re-assembled with a handful of nuts-n-bolts left over, worth it?
Larry Bastanza said:It all comes down to one simple word: "Experienced"
My $.02