Shootings in Toronto

26 April 2011
Toronto suburbs
What the heck has TO come too. Open shootings in crowded malls and into large crowds of people at a BBQ without any regard for the innocent people that have nothing to do with whatever petty "beef" these low lives have with each other. It really makes me mad when I hear news like this. I really don't understand the code of silence either... Especially when innocent lives are affected as a result of the actions of these cowards. Not saying it's right but it is a better option.. What about rolling up your sleeves and throwing it down with your fists?... IMO only cowards and (excuse the term) p_____'s need to use guns cause they're too afraid to use their fists.
Yeah. It's getting out of control as of late, and it's even more scary that there is nothing more can be done at least not effectively by the city and its police force. It's sad that we can't even feel safe attending community events in our own neighbourhood. Who is to say this can't happen in Markham, Richmond Hill, Mississauga, Brampton, Woodbridge.....
The world is getting crazier and crazier. I was at a community bbq just the week before, granted I live in Whitby but to think it can happen at a place like that is scary especially with all the children and what not around. These thugs are just pansies with guns.
Why are people calling for a "ban" on guns? That's absolutely ineffective... Raising the severity of Gun crimes is a different thing. Posession of an illegal firearm = 10 years. Illegal Discarging of a firearm = 10 years. Getting caught with one and firing it should yield 20 years in prison no parole and each additional firearm is +10 years so if you are running illegal guns, each gun you have in inventory is +10 years.

Next the police need to take action, blitz and lay charges down on these kids. These kids think it's so cool and "bad ass"... get caught and watch your life pass you by.

I love guns. I used to go to the range all the time and used to own a 92FS and an 8" 686 S&W. Wife won't have it but I still love guns...
Everyone's looking at the wrong solution...

Harsher laws don't address the root cause of the problem, they only bring us one step closer to a police state.

In Canada, the current Conservative government is following in the footsteps of successive extreme right-wing American governments which imprison more people per capita than any other nation. In the USA, the death of freedom came with the Patriot Act, similar legislation in Canada did the same here. People without jobs survive any way they can and some join gangs. They aren't the problem, they're a symptom of an economy that makes a few people very, very rich and leaves many with peasant wages, or none at all. When all the riches go to the top 0.1% (not the top 1%, they're just the scapegoats) there isn't much left for everyone else and communities fall apart. We don't need more control, we need to make our society less unfair. The very fact we don't demand this shows how successful the 0.1% has been at diverting public attention away from the root cause of social discontent and violence - extreme inequality.


This will probably be my most unpopular post.
Nah...I like it...

But I still believe that Parenting start's at home, and you need to have a home with both parents to guild kids. Parenting is NOT a Goverment responsiability.

I'm sure we would be surprise to see how much monies the various levels of goverment provide for Social housing and other support programs and we still having problems.

Nah...I like it...

But I still believe that Parenting start's at home, and you need to have a home with both parents to guild kids. Parenting is NOT a Goverment responsiability.

I'm sure we would be surprise to see how much monies the various levels of goverment provide for Social housing and other support programs and we still having problems.


Proper parenting will resolve most of these issues for sure... I'm of South Asian decent and not saying this is the way to go but when I stepped way out of line I got my a__ handed to. I thought twice before I did it again