Shooting candle light wedding..

20 March 2009
Hey guys,
Need a little feed back from the photographers out there , this is the scenario :
My next wedding will be in a candle lit wedding where flashes are not aloud during the ceremony .
I was thinking on using flash sync to bring down flash power , but I don't think that will be enough,even if I diffuse it.
Maybe I'll just stick to the 50mm?

I've always done indoor photography without and issue but after checking out the church, it seems unusually dark.

Camera ,lenses and flashes for this event are D700's , 17-24mm 2.8, 24-70mm 2.8, 50mm 2.8 , 70-300VR, and SB-900's and a bunch of diffusers.

What are your thoughts?

Oh wow!!! I'm not a Nikon shooter but Canon has a lens of 50mm 1.2 which will help tremendously with low-light. Are video LED lights okay? That's an option.
Oh man, Sorry guys the 50mm it's actually 1.4

The bride will be talking to the priest about how much if any ambient lighting we can use.

LED would help for sure, but I have a feeling that it would be a no no.
Good luck. Candlelight means ISO 1600 at least, probably 3200 or 6400 if your camera goes that high, even at f/1.4, which is practically useless for anything where people are slightly offset to each other.

The focal plane is so narrow at those wide apertures that one person will be nicely in focus and the other will be at least minorly out of focus. Very annoying!

I'd talk to them about ditching the candelight and going with better lighting. They'll get far better pictures!
Yeah, your right.
I had the feeling , I thought I'd ask.

Ok, I will let you guys how it went.

As always , thank you guys for the feed back.


Good luck. Candlelight means ISO 1600 at least, probably 3200 or 6400 if your camera goes that high, even at f/1.4, which is practically useless for anything where people are slightly offset to each other.

The focal plane is so narrow at those wide apertures that one person will be nicely in focus and the other will be at least minorly out of focus. Very annoying!

I'd talk to them about ditching the candelight and going with better lighting. They'll get far better pictures!
There's always the approach Stanley Kubrick took to shoot scenes in Barry Lyndon by candlelight.
He had a camera modified to use an f/0.7 lens that Zeiss had originally made in limited quantites for NASA:

He called one day to ask me if I thought I could fit a Zeiss lens he had procured, which had a focal length of 50mm and a maximum aperture of f/0.7. He sent me the dimensional specifications, and I reported that it was impossible to fit the lens to his BNC because of its large diameter and also because the rear element came within 4mm of the film plane. Stanley, being the meticulous craftsman that he is, would not take "No" for an answer and persisted until I reluctantly agreed to take a hard look at the problem.
A couple days ago found out the groom is a photographer too, which is always fun .:rolleyes:
The good is that the candle lighting got the boot.
But the little church couldn't be any darker, but better than candle light I guess.
