Shipping from another country into US

15 November 2006
New Orleans
I'm basically looking to get a few large items shipped from the Philippians to the US. I have 2 quotes from xxx and DHL. I also have the option of doing it by sea which is around 30 days or by air which is 7-9 days.

Is there anyone that has a connection overseas or any inside tips? These are the specs on the boxes

Number of boxes= 4
Weight= no more than 50 pounds each
Height per box= 50 inches
Length per box= 30 inches
Width per box= 30 inches

These are guestimates for the dimensions but are probably pretty accurate.

Please Pm me if you have any suggestions or overseas shipping companies.
No leads or suggestions? DHL and Johnny Air are 2 spots but not sure if there are any cheaper ones?

I think that you're moving locations if I remember correctly.

Try to find places with some sort of a Filipino presence. They have shipping places that send so called "balikbayan" boxes back to the Philippines and I'm sure they can ship boxes back to the US. The Filipino presence doesn't even have to be big, in other words it doesn't have to be SoCal.
Its going to be expensive to move those pieces via air. Do you have a set budget?

You need to work with a Forwarder in the Philippines. They will have the best outbound air rates to the US. You will also need to find a customs broker to clear them upon arrival obviously (you can also pre-clear pieces as well).

I use to handle imports and could've helped you out a year or so ago, now I'm really only doing domestic. I can look into ocean rates for you, but I would need to know your budget first and also what the exact pieces are.
Can't just use postal service under economy shipping?
I think that you're moving locations if I remember correctly.

Try to find places with some sort of a Filipino presence. They have shipping places that send so called "balikbayan" boxes back to the Philippines and I'm sure they can ship boxes back to the US. The Filipino presence doesn't even have to be big, in other words it doesn't have to be SoCal.

Not moving locations, wish I was sometimes though.

I'm actually getting wheels shipped over to the US. The guy found a company that will ship for around $400 via sea which isn't bad considering I think they take care of customs and such.
I usually use EMS, DB Schenker, Fedex and GLS.
DB Schenker will be your best bet, pretty big boxes though.

If they ask you for a dimensional weight per box (shippers often will) it's 323,74 lbs.

If you can i'd put them on a pallet, should be cheaper.
Not that sure how much shipping will run from the Philippines to the US.

Fedex is going to be expensive as hell even with a good account, as it way to large for there parcel service.
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