She's Gone!

10 October 2004
Wichita, KS
This afternoon the new buyer took possession of my 95 NSX. This car was by far the greatest car I ever owned. Never let me down and always made me smile when I took her out.

This forum is an excellent resource for the NSX owner or future owner. Wish I had known about it before I purchased my NSX - but I was lucky just the same.

As for why I sold the NSX - not driving her much was a good reason. But mainly - I like the car so much I think I'd like to get a newer one in a few years and my hunch is that as the newer models devalue they will pressure the 91 - 96 models to go down a little in value. As it stands, I sold the NSX for more than I paid 4 years ago (a first for me and any used car I've owned) so no regrets.

If - however this car turns into a collector in a few years - well that would be my luck! All in all - I've really enjoyed her so fingers crossed that they do go up in value for all you NSXers out there!

Safe motoring:smile:
Did you sell it to someone ion Prime? If you want to keep that private, I understand.

Yeah - we greenies have to unite. I'm telling ya, last night when I was looking at the car in the garage under the lights it was as pretty as she's ever been. I really dig the green paint (with medium tint) under lights.

When you ever come back to Kansas, look me up. I'll keep lurking on NSX Prime just so I'm more informed for my NEXT purchase.

FYI - the new owner previously owned a 94 green/blk NSX and since has had two or three P-cars. Said he was ready to go back to the NSX, loved the color but wanted the tan seats instead. Looks like I found the perfect buyer.
Congrats on getting her sold. I remember talking to you awhile back, but I was so(am) fixated on spa yellow :tongue:

Plan on another NSX or moving to something different?
Another NSX! Just taking a break for now. My interests have veered to plinking around on the guitar. I'll be back, though. I just hope I find another one as clean and trouble free as my first.
Oh man, I hate to see frequent posters and old members leaving and selling their cars. I understand what you mean about not driving it. I havnt turned the key in my S2000 for about 6 months and have only put on about 700 miles in a year and a half:frown: Sad to just look at them, its more fun to drive them:biggrin:
I lived in Wichita for two years (had a 73 Vette at the time) and had no roads that weren't perfectly straight and ran East-West and North-South. So no curvy roads to enjoy.

Hope you got to find somewhere to drive around some curves and you find another good one one day.
Hi Shaun.

I got mixed feelings about selling your car. I am happy to see you selling it since it is what you wanted to do:biggrin: . On the other hand, I am also sad since you won't be coming up to KC for another one of our runs:frown: . If you get a replacement, please let us know so you can show it off!! Hope to see you soon.

'91 Red/Ivory
Bummer man. Now we'll only have HVAC to talk about these days! :biggrin: :tongue:


Hey, don't count me out yet. Top on my list is to fly out to Vegas during one of your meets this year and do a ride along. I'm counting you you!

And John,

It was good to meet you and the KC crew. Plenty of curves up there to get my heart racing.
Hi Neo!

I always enjoy your enthusiasm and creativity on this site. Just consider me on sabbatical. I’ll keep looking in on Prime to see what’s happening and to lend advice if I have any to give.

Also hope you some day land an NSX of your own. Keep the faith!

SAY IT ISNT SO! :frown:

Seriously though, congrats on the sale.
I hope to see you back real soon!
Your input here has been invaluable.
I would say that we will miss you, but Im sure that you will be around.
If not, Im going to call you and bug the hell out of you till you come back! :biggrin:

All the best,
