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shawn110975 won't respond to me, so here it is

19 April 2009
Mid Atlantic Area
Shawn Geary was selling his block listed here : http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php/170501-2004-3-2L-Engine-Block

I paid for it in february, and he did not ship it to me until mid-march... this is no big deal as I am very busy with traveling, training, and what not. I had it shipped to a friend's house since that was where I originally planned on assembling and installing it. He opened to ensure the part was there but did not inspect it for quality, since he (and I) felt that Shawn was an upstanding guy and we could take his word for it.

I picked up the block from there not too long ago and finally had a chance to inspect it, along with some mechanics from work. As soon as I opened it and saw, I knew there were problems... the mechanics voiced them before I could say anything.

-Bearing journals are effed up: they look like bearings were beaten and pried out with a crow bar.
-Cylinder walls are effed up: badly pitted in at least half of them.
-Areas along the top where the heads go are beat up: More chunks of metal are missing

If I remember correctly, his thread states:
this block has 19K miles so it almost new. needs to be cleaned as it dirty but its good to go.

I texted Shawn regarding these issues. He replied with :
it has some cosmetic stuff but its solid needs NEW SLEEVES I was saving it for my car.....

I took it to a shop to get quoted on repairs: they said sleeving, machining MIGHT salvage the block, but they did not recommend it. estimated ~$3k to do that kind of work (parts and labor)

I he has not replied to me since May 30 at 9am. I have seen his activity on Prime and he still refuses to answer my PMs, calls, texts.. Shawn, I am filing a complaint through paypal and going to have my money reversed.

attached are some photos of what I was talking about:

I have been in contact with you not by voice. After I sent you the engine and all the "EXTRA" stuff that I included in the sale I told you it needed some work
it needed lots of cleaning and TLC the engine came from my fire damaged 2004 which is documented on Prime.
now if you had inspected the shipment I sent you with everything with in a week or so and didnt like what you saw then i would have refunded you your money.
But 2 months have passed. I have offered you to send me the block back and I will get it resleeved for you since your Machine shop quoted you is off the chain.
I will boild the engine and clean everything for you. and have it resleeved.

You also text me that money is fling out the door with your up coming wedding and money is tight, further more the guy your having install the motor has never rebuilt an NSX motor. I have even offered to fly up to you and help put the motor back together for your mechanic.

I stand by my engine as it only need cosmetic fixing. I was saving it for my 92 to do the swap.

also you threaten me with a " I don't want to start one of those stupid threads complaining about someone, especially about someone of your standing in the community. I know you're an honest dude that works on integrity. Please demonstrate this by helping me resolve this issue in a timely manner.”
You contacted me Saturday I told you I will call you on Monday
since I am not home this weekend.
Then place a dispute with paypal to get your money back but since it been past the 45 days Paypal has deferred your request. Since you waited almost 60 days
Like I said I stand by my engine it needs some TLC and some time to make her mint.
I assume Your mechanic saw how much work its gonna be and said he didnt want to do it.
Considering this was a major purchase if you were not satisfied with it I would expect to hear from you in a day or 2 of receiving the engine. But appr. 60 days has passed and you need extra money for you upcoming wedding. Kinda like look around the house for stuff to return I assume. Its sounds like finacial issues vs problems with the engine, granted there were some cosmetic issues with the engine but your were made aware of that. Almost everything used has no warranty or they are sold “ As-is “ basis
I offered to fly up help, or send em the block and I will make you happy. Thats all I can do.

Re-sleeve an NSX engine block 600-1000
Sleeves 65 each X6 390
Clean/boil in oil the block 100

Parts I sent you
Crankshaft 2,986
Crankshaft pulley 322
Crank timing drive 83.78
6 pistons + connecting rods 1200X6 7200
Block 5700 cosmetic cleaning
Oil pan 300
Total 16591.78
that’s not including everything else I sent that not listed like a/c compressor etc.

From the dealer a Complete engine assembly 30,896.10
Used 3.2 Engine off ebay 6500-8500 IF they were sold on ebay when they are they are sold very fast.
Hard to get item.
and I only have computer access this weekend so I cant call you or answer your calls since we last talked thursday or friday

so posting the thread with in a day or 2 of us talking is pretty mean.
the engine shipped april 1st here are the pics of what he got for his money and almost all items were packaged with care and in their own boxes put on a palet and strapped to the palet


I cant reply to your original thread till the mods approve my reply also sent you emails grow up

- - - Updated - - -

I have to wait till the mods release my responce on your original thread.

- - - Updated - - -

but waiting 60 days then ask for a refund when you are low on cash for your upcoming wedding.

I have not had a phone all weekend just got it back like 1 hour ago. I have had computer access only

start the war path before we could have resolved it like men but your actions have put any resolution we could have had to bed.

if someone doesnt respond in a day you bring out the the name calling thats not cool I would have flown up to to help install the engine,
or you could have sent me the block back and I would have it re-sleeved but thats not happening now

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complete bottom end, each part needed to be cleaned etc. block resleeved

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and packaged perfectly.
Last edited:

How, then, did you not see my PMs from the last two days? You've been on and posting. I even received a call from your phone (won't say it's you since you claim you were out of town)...today and it hung up when I answered. You dropped off the face of the earth when I said I might have to return it .. What else am I supposed to think?

And for the record, the wedding does put time and financial strain on me, which is why I haven't touched this project since it came in. Please don't try to make it look like I need money and that's why I'm hitting you up now.

Lets just please resolve this as soon as possible..


I have been in contact with you not by voice. After I sent you the engine and all the "EXTRA" stuff that I included in the sale I told you it needed some work
it needed lots of cleaning and TLC the engine came from my fire damaged 2004 which is documented on Prime.
now if you had inspected the shipment I sent you with everything with in a week or so and didnt like what you saw then i would have refunded you your money.
But 2 months have passed. I have offered you to send me the block back and I will get it resleeved for you since your Machine shop quoted you is off the chain.
I will boild the engine and clean everything for you. and have it resleeved.

You also text me that money is fling out the door with your up coming wedding and money is tight, further more the guy your having install the motor has never rebuilt an NSX motor. I have even offered to fly up to you and help put the motor back together for your mechanic.

I stand by my engine as it only need cosmetic fixing. I was saving it for my 92 to do the swap.

also you threaten me with a " I don't want to start one of those stupid threads complaining about someone, especially about someone of your standing in the community. I know you're an honest dude that works on integrity. Please demonstrate this by helping me resolve this issue in a timely manner.”
You contacted me Saturday I told you I will call you on Monday
since I am not home this weekend.
Then place a dispute with paypal to get your money back but since it been past the 45 days Paypal has deferred your request. Since you waited almost 60 days
Like I said I stand by my engine it needs some TLC and some time to make her mint.
I assume Your mechanic saw how much work its gonna be and said he didnt want to do it.
Considering this was a major purchase if you were not satisfied with it I would expect to hear from you in a day or 2 of receiving the engine. But appr. 60 days has passed and you need extra money for you upcoming wedding. Kinda like look around the house for stuff to return I assume. Its sounds like finacial issues vs problems with the engine, granted there were some cosmetic issues with the engine but your were made aware of that. Almost everything used has no warranty or they are sold “ As-is “ basis
I offered to fly up help, or send em the block and I will make you happy. Thats all I can do.

Re-sleeve an NSX engine block 600-1000
Sleeves 65 each X6 390
Clean/boil in oil the block 100

Parts I sent you
Crankshaft 2,986
Crankshaft pulley 322
Crank timing drive 83.78
6 pistons + connecting rods 1200X6 7200
Block 5700 cosmetic cleaning
Oil pan 300
Total 16591.78
that’s not including everything else I sent that not listed like a/c compressor etc.

From the dealer a Complete engine assembly 30,896.10
Used 3.2 Engine off ebay 6500-8500 IF they were sold on ebay when they are they are sold very fast.
Hard to get item.

You are mixing me up with common folk who don't know how to handle money. I have money, I just don't have anymore money for the car. Money is tight, you are right. Tight that I cannot spend it on the car. It is being directed towards the wedding. No where in the budget was an additional 1500+ for resleeve. You only mentioned "needs to be cleaned up" on the phone and on your thread.. If you did mention the fire damage, I really don't recall, as my memory is pretty bad...
when is Lud gonna delete this thread I hate seeing my name like this LOL

we are happy customers now help Lud
Bringing this back up

A little over two years ago, I posted this thread in hopes that we could resolve the issue. Shawn responded swiftly after this thread, asked me to ship him the block (Jun, and until now, has done nothing with it. Since June 2013, here's some correspondence thru PM and email when he bothered to reply or "update" me. It usually took a few messages, but at least he responded. June 2 2013
I had a 100% feedback and have helped hundreds of people by sending them stuff and all the NSX's I have rebuild and sold and still no complaints. I am not home this weekend and had you waited till monday to JUMP the gun and start the war path we could have came to an agreement of sorts but now after the bashing on your new thread I will only offer to send me the block and I will fix it. even though you bashed my name on Prime I will not leave a negative on your feedback I would never do that. I am taking the high road not the low one.
between then and June 27 2013
Spencer, I forgot to send you an email saying I got the block, I will get this taken care of for you. will keep you posted Im in the middle of this Imola build so my free time will be to make this black mint for ya
July 29, 2013. Got a quote for the work needed
Had to track down someone that would do it the resleeve is about 1500 so they are not done with it yet. I didnt tell them its a rush will keep you in the loop I wont let you down
September 2, 2013. After not hearing from him for a while, I messaged again.
so busy shop is filled ot the brim with NSX's Ughhh. anyway I will call them tomorrow see what up with the block sorry it taken so long
October 27, 2013. Yes, from Sept till here.
they have the block they said its a easy fix for honda blocks but they want 1500 to do it, I told them to hold off till I figure out how Im gonna pay inless you wanna split the cost with me
April 8, 2014
the block its sitting at the acura dealership waiting to get the sleeves done the cost is 1700
May 20, 2014. He ignores many messages from me and then finally responds. He continues to remind me that i got "$30,000" worth of engine stuff for $4,500..
its cost 1700 to resleeve I thought I could do it but I don't have the tools to do it, I will gladly send the block back to you and also provide the number and address of the guy in NC that is willing to do it at that price he is the guy my NSX mech at Acura dealership found to do the job. I would have giving a refund in a few days after you received it but you waited to long 2.5 months if I remember correctly I didn't spend your money for about 3 weeks then I figured you were happy with the product since no more contact, you already bashed my name on prime and I still have the negative feedback from it the only person to leave negative on my name, and since you tried so hard to get the negative taken off my name which never happened Im sure you sent multiple emails to Lud prob it wasn't your name with negative so who cared right?, did I leave negative on your prime name " NO I did not " Im not a dick. after you posted your rant about me People asking for parts dropped form 20 emails a day to 4-5 for parts request a day, think about how much money I lost from your pissy rant. but you learned a lesson though if you spend money on something open it when it arrives, inspect it, for shipping damages, and inspect the product you purchased if you didn't like it then I would have refunded you, but waiting a couple months thats extreme. A month or so ago I went to the dealership and had them give me the block back so I wouldn't have to worry about it going missing from the dealer so its currently in my shop I can snap a pic of it tonight when I am there. you received about 30,000 dollars in parts for 4500 I think I got the raw end of the stick, though the block needs another 1700 to be in working order again and the most parts need seals, and a real good cleaning etc. the crankshaft is like 3500 from the dealer, pistons connecting rods, alternator, oil pan, complete bottom end of a 2004 3.2L engine is worth way more than 4500. give me your address to ship your block back to you good day
July 13, 2014. After I let things cool off, I asked again.
it cost 1700 to redo thats my Master NSx mech told me the block is sitting in my shop. can send pics if you dont believe me. I am getting ready to buy the equipment to do this service myself cuz I have a few other people that have asked if I do that. your at the top of the list for this service I will make it right but If i dont get the equipment to do it then sending me 1700 will solve the issue instantly.
October 8, 2014. I let him know I was gonna bump this thread soon, but never got around to it. Still mad about the negative feedback, but at this point, I feel like he's earned it
the block is still sitting in the same spot in my shop I never move it, I dont have the equip to do the sleeves yet, I have a guy that will do it for 1700 send me 1700 and I can get it done for you. when i get the equip to do it will be soon but I dont have a def date yet but I will be getting it def. I can send the block back and you can find someone local to do it if you want. Bump your old thread is always your option, I still have negative on my feedback from you since Lud never removed. so thanks for that. let me know
January 18, 2015. I asked for pictures of the block to show some other shops and engine builders. But the pictures are still on the original post, so you be the judge. I'm no expert. However, he still says in the bolded part below:
I included a pic of the journals I was told they are fine the 1 nick is not a problem. also the 3-4 nicks at the top of the block will 100% not affect the headgasket. needs re-sleeved only and cleaned. this block is worth 5-6K in current condition had 2 buyers since I got it back from the dealership
Same day, I told him to go ahead and sell it to either of those guys for $5k. But then asks how much I want to sell it for "as-is".
that was a long while ago I will contact them see if they are still looking they were looking for a quick sale so i am sure they found something by now. will let you know. I would have sold it but its not my block I dont do things like that. there was a guy looking for a 3.2L on nsxprime last week I thought he might want the block but its not mine to sell. if someone comes along again which is daily looking for parts I will sell it for you whats the lowest you will go for the block as is? let me know
I was pretty upset by this email so I left it alone for a while. I asked what he meant by "as-is" and told him I'm not willing to sell anything until it is repaired to the condition he had promised me 1.5 years ago. I sent this:
I'd like to propose something. I can send you back all the parts related to this block. You sell it for the best price possible. I'd like to get my $4500 back. If you get more for it, it's yours. however, anything short you need to cover. I just want my money back. Please respond and work something out.
March 12, 2015
I will try to sell your block and see what I can get for it. its your block not mine. If I can sell it for 3K then I will give you the 3K if I can sell it for what you paid then you can sell the other stuff and make a profit or break even. if I sell it for 10K the 10K is yours not a dime is mine minus shipping or if its a local pickup. If you had opened the box within a week of getting it and you didn't like It I would have refunded it, but when 3 months pass I assumed you were happy with the sale so deal was done in my eyes. if it sells for less than what you paid then at least you got some of your money back, that's the best I can do. I have had this block sitting at my shop for a long time its not hurting me sitting there, its not my block, I am only going to sell it for you that's all I am offering. when I find a buyer and he offer me 2800 for it I will take it and send you the money if he offers me 3800 I will take it and send you the money any difference or Profit will be sent to you..... but I will not pay the difference if its less. If the buyer is not local and I need to ship it then I will deduct the shipping price from the selling price. and another option is I send you back the block ( preferred )and you get it re-sleeved and then you sell it and make your money back, there has not been ONE 3.2L engine for sale on ebay, nsxprime or anywhere in the past 3 years I have seen hundreds of 3.0L going for 3K but NEVER 3.2Ls so what you have is gold, the engine is worth so much money if you could only see that. when I get a buyer I will paypal you, not sure of time frame I get requests daily for items so it COULD be next week or next year, when someone is looking for a 3.2 block
I responded with:
You proclaim that it will sell for significantly more. But I have not received an offer for more than 3k "as-is" knowing what the damage is on the block. I spoke to other professional NSX engine builders and they will not touch the 3.2 . they rather bore out and build 3.0s. I see that as the reason why 3.2s aren't really selling. You promised to fix this problem and still haven't delivered. Its been close to 2 years now. I've refrained from doing much else because I want to believe what others say about you being an upstanding guy. But I'm losing faith in that. If your rep is that important to you, please make this right for me. There's no chance I will recover the money I spent on this because of it's current state. I need you to pay for the sleeve or sleeve it yourself like you said. Otherwise, I have no choice but to write this off as a total loss of 4500 and take some kind of legal action. Please don't let it go that far.
March 14, 2015
whats your shipping address so I can send your block back. let me know asap thanks
April 28, 2015. I sent my last message to him and he has not responded since.
You're telling me at this point and time, 2 years after the transaction, that you won't do anything to rectify this situation, even after you told me to send the block to you so that you could sleeve it?
At this point, I'm out 4500.. I have some 3.2 parts I'm not willing to sell yet until this situation is closed out. Shawn is still around and selling parts, rebuilding NSXs, etc. But he still hasn't cleaned this incident up. I've been more than patient in waiting for him as I've continued to give him the benefit of the doubt, and at this point, I'm pretty sure he doesn't care. After 2 years, he couldn't come up with the money to fix something he didn't disclose and hasn't received the equipment to do the job himself. For everyone else that has great dealings with him, I'm happy for you. Thanks for reading this ridiculously long thread.
Also you need to clean your private message box. Maybe he tried to contact you but since yours is full, he couldn't send you PM.
Also you need to clean your private message box. Maybe he tried to contact you but since yours is full, he couldn't send you PM.

Didn't even know my box was full.. Under most circumstances, this would be a good reason.. but he has my email and my phone number... so if he needed to contact me, he would. Cleaned my box out.