Shannonville Video

30 August 2010
Hi GUys,

Here's some video of me at the track. First time out with the NSX and first time with a RWD in all honesty I was quite nervous of the whole RWD back end coming out thing but I got more comfortable as time went on. All in all it was such a blast and I can't wait to practice and get better so I could really unleash what this car is capable of! (The track was kind of wet as well, on and off rain)

I tried embedding the video it didn't work :S
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I have never seen anyone shuffle steer a wheel like that. That's a really, really bad habit if you are going to continue to track the car. The camera mount outside the car is also nice because it shows how far off the curbing you are. You need to concentrate more on your line and using all the track.

Patrick Long even comments about shuffle steering in this video at the 2:00 mark.

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Yea I have a lot to learn. And the nervousness didn't help at all. It was my first time at a track after about 3 years and I've only been a few times before that in a FWD car. I'm currently reading 'Going Faster,' a book published by The Skip Barber Racing School and hoping that with more track time will help me out.

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for embedding the video!
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