SF NSX Owners

Aug 9 during the daytime (noonish)would be great for me.

Dr. Lane, IF I go, I'll have a pasenger seat open.

and to my knowledge, isnt NSXCA having a meet in the milpitas area on the 5th? anyone going to that?
I just found out that there's a Classic Car Show at the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay on the 10th. It sure is a nice drive down Rte. 1 through Devil's Slide. Is the 9th chisled in stone?
Dr.Lane said:
Wow, I am so grateful that you guys are changing your monthly schedule to accomodate my stay in SF. I'll have a rental p.o.s. so I can drive anywhere to meet you guys for lunch. If you do have a drive planned, I'll either need to find a place to rent an NSX for the day, or I'll need two passenger seats. One for me, and one for my girlfriend. She's accustomed to being in an NSX on the twisties, well the equivalent of them here: onn and off ramps to the highway.

Well, please keep me updated on the final plans and I'm looking foward to meeting all of you.


since the weather is really nice around that time, you could also consider renting an S2000....enjoy the open top with your girlfriend.
Hey Guys.

Well I'm going to be in SF this weekend and I need to reserve a car for the drive on Sunday. Noah has given me the link to a specialty car rental place so all I need to know is the official word on where the gtg is going to be, and how long are we going to be out for. I'm probably going to rent a S2000 for the day just so I can stay in the Honda family.


SF NSXers.....what's the plan for this wknd? We haven't seen any concrete meet/drive plans yet.

Someone please step up to organize this meet....thanks.
I just want to apologize to all on this upcoming weekend get together, I am unable to make it. I am currently going through some major personal issues, a breakup with my fiancee of 8 years and a pending lawsuit. I am going through hell during the past few weeks.

Sorry for the inconvience. Can someone else from SF plan this? The Marina Green would be a good spot for the meet. Plenty of parking, good views and good road conditions.


If I arrange a drive it would probably entail a meeting and drive through the Presidio area and up the Great Highway and on to a lunch at the Outrigger (formerly the Chart House) on Hwy 1 in Montara and then to the Classic Car Show ($12 admission) in Half Moon Bay at the Ritz Carlton. I'm open for other suggestions, but Hooters doesn't seem like a good place to park a lot of NSXs.

Thanks insx, but it's looking like there is not much interest any longer. In fact, from the looks of this thread Dr. lane has found another drive. My only interest in taking over any duties arranging the drive was to not let our visiting friend down. Dr. L, what are your plans? Anybody else up for it?
I really just want to be able to meet a bunch of you guys for lunch or something. I'm on a tight schedule for the week so a scenic drive may not be possible. Plus, the drive through Napa is exactly what I'm going to be doing for Monday and Tuesday next week.
Well, let's go back to our original topic then,
we can always bring our other cars to meet at hooters or doing car pool. I have an SUV that can fit 7 people so we can go together in my car if you guys want to go somewhere.
I'd be happy to pick up the ball where it was dropped. Let me go to the city tomorrow and find Hooters (Are we all hooked on Hooters? Good parking would be essential IMO), check out the parking and find a nice route.

My plan would be to meet for an early lunch, say around 11:00 on Sunday. Then drive through the Presidio and along the Great Highway to Hwy. 1. From there we can take Devil's Slide into Half Moon Bay and check out the Classics By The Sea car show ($12 fee) at the Ritz Carlton. I can find some twisties for the return route also.

EDIT: I just found out that Hooters in SF is in Fishermans Wharf. The parking there does not exist. IMO we should find a different lunch site with plenty of safe parking. I know that there is a new Outrigger (the old Chart House location) on the coast with lots of parking. Any other ideas?
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Here is the thread with the details of the Drive with Dr. Lane. I hope a lot of you show up. There'll be incredibly scenic, post-card views. Plenty of photo ops. And I've arranged to have great weather!

Bring your radios and I'll see you all Sunday!