Seven days to pick up an NSX...?

11 March 2007
Japan/Canada/USA (varies in parallel with my busin
Hello everyone,

I'd like to begin by tipping my hat to every one on this forum for your affluent tastes, in respect to this prestigious vehicle (NSX).

I'm presently away on business in Tokyo, but will be flyin' to the U.S.A. on March 29th, with the intent of finding an Acura NSX. During the spring/summers, I reside in Canada. I've never owned an NSX before, but have been keen on replacing my former vehicle with one, and I feel the time has come. I have $40-45k or so, ready to be invested in the asking price for one of there. I'm interested in a '97-'99 model. Red, blue, yellow, are colors that appeal to me.

Here's the catch. I've been reading this forum for the past few hours, and have learned many of you tooks months, if not years (in some cases) to find their NSX. Am I unrealistic in my intentions to find one within 7-10 days, and upon doing so, purchase it and drive it back to my summer home in Canada?

I've been checking eBay regularly, as well as other online outlets, and do find a decent number of these available.

Essentially, I'd like to know what I should be on the lookout for, when checking prospective vehicles out. This will be the second car I've owned (my first vehicle was a '98 Mitsubishi 3000GT, I purchased several years ago, at age 21). I purchased that vehicle in the USA as well, and brought it back to Canada.

Any insights, tips, or constructive criticisms will be welcomed, and appreciated.

Say no more. This apppears to be a nice car in one of your colors.

I think people take years to find a car because they are looking for so many things like a certain color, low miles, garage queen, automatic, 100% stock, every service record, etc. The more particular you are to things,the longer its going to take. I found both of my cars in less than a month. However, I was not as picky as some.

When I hear of people taking a very long time to find a car, I can't imagine going through all of that for just a car. However, they are the ones that have to live with their decision and not me.

Happy hunting!!

Thank you for taking a moment to assist me. I've taken a look at the NSX you've referenced, and I will be contacting the seller for more info. I am not all that selective. I know the car I want, and variables which to me seem rather minute (mileage, color, etc), are all relative. I am intent on aquiring one within 1-2 weeks max of my arrival in San Francisco (March 29th), so I will be making several inquiries throughout the U.S., and possibly Canada. I travel globally for business on a regular basis, so a quick flight from San Francisco to say, Miami, or, San Antonio, is a breeze.

My only real concern, is the potential hassle revolving bringing it over the border. I realize the actual requirments aren't major (daytime running lights, etc), but it's dealing with both US customs, and Canadian customs, I dread. Only a busload of unsupervised eighth-graders on a school trip could rival the attitude generally conveyed by customs officers these days.


Thank you for the link. I've heard conflicting claims in this regard, and maybe you can clarify this for me. I'm aware of the 6.1 % duty applied at the Canadian border when I bring the vehicle into Canada. However, are BOTH taxes applied (GST, and PST), or only one of them (having to do with the fact the vehicle is Japanese...?). I vaguelly recall, many years ago, when I brought my Mitsubishi in from the US, that only one of the two Canadian taxes applied...

Thank you,
I have $40-45k or so, ready to be invested in the asking price for one of there. I'm interested in a '97-'99 model.
Unless you are willing to accept higher-mileage models and/or those in poor condition, you will be better off in the $45-50K range for a '97-99.

I've been reading this forum for the past few hours, and have learned many of you tooks months, if not years (in some cases) to find their NSX. Am I unrealistic in my intentions to find one within 7-10 days, and upon doing so, purchase it and drive it back to my summer home in Canada?
As TitaniumVtec notes, it depends on how picky you are, in terms of a specific color, year, price, etc. Price, in particular, can be a problem, if you insist on finding a car for a price that is unrealistically low. As long as you are prepared to pay fair market price (see above) and you are not too restrictive in your search, it will be easy. Be prepared to search nationwide; do not confine yourself to one specific city or region.

Essentially, I'd like to know what I should be on the lookout for, when checking prospective vehicles out.
Any insights, tips, or constructive criticisms will be welcomed, and appreciated.
Spend some time in the NSX FAQ (answers to Frequently Asked Questions), particularly in the "Buy, Sell, Ship, Store" area. You can get there by clicking on the word FAQ in the red bar at the top of this web page, the one that looks like this:

Check out my red 2001 at Might be more than you are looking to spend, but worth a look.