Service Manuals on CD

I suspect it is the same as the one on NSXprime.

Why not just use that one?

If you need help downloading it to a CD, I can probably do that too...

I just purchased the "Parts Numbers CD" and I'll let you know how that works too.

Umm, can somebody set me up with a temporary FTP, I have some files that other NSX'er might be interested in.
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The version on Prime is a 1991. This manual for sale covers1994-2004 both ODBII (1995-96)cars as well as the 3.2 liter. If I can get my paypal account working I will buy it and let you guys know:).

Originally posted by MarkB I just purchased it. I'll let all know.
Have you received it yet? I just received an S2000 manual on CD (2000-2003) and it is a single 30 meg PDF file that consists of 1000 pages scanned from the original hardcopy manual. Definitely bootleg but still worth the $11.
I picked up the 95-2004 CD from a retailer on E-bay which has the Service Manuals, Wiring diagrams, and Body Service manuals on it. I received it a few days ago.

Even though the listing claimed OEM I was expecting a bootleg, but to my surprise the Physical CD looks to be OEM Acura. It has a nice picture of an NSX on it (not a sticker) with Acura trademark statements on it, etc.. When I first took a look at the data on the CD I almost choked. It looked like insted of a coupld of PDF book files, it was a ton of singe page PDF files. Luckely it turns out that if you open any page file, they have index and Table of Contents buttons at the top which will then bring you to the pages you want. So all in all I think its pretty good for under $20. :)

[edit] If anyone is interested the guy goes by shardauto on E-bay, and he currently has a couple of the same NSX CDs currently listed on ebay for sale.

Here's a link to one:
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I received my copy just before departing for Reno-Fernley last week. It is a DVD (not a CD) and if I didn't try it on my laptop (w/ a DVD player) I would have thought it was junk. However, it turns out to be a very complete reference covering all NSX years/models.