Serious Buyers?

18 January 2008
City of Sin
I notice in the "For Sale" area several guys will list the and follow it up with "Serious Buyers only or No low ballers please." I have thought a lot about this one.

When you sell a car I think you are going to get people offering lower than you ask because if OBO is listed people will see how far you are willing to part with a car for. Plus, How serious is SERIOUS?

BTW, I put an offer on an NSX today. Wish me luck.
I notice in the "For Sale" area several guys will list the and follow it up with "Serious Buyers only or No low ballers please." I have thought a lot about this one.

When you sell a car I think you are going to get people offering lower than you ask because if OBO is listed people will see how far you are willing to part with a car for. Plus, How serious is SERIOUS?

BTW, I put an offer on an NSX today. Wish me luck.

I think a lot of times when your selling a car you get a lot of tire kickers, just stupid offers, and people that aren't really serious. After a while these people just become a pain in the butt. I think "Serious Buyers only or No low ballers please" means that the seller is serious, but please don't waste my time.

Good luck by the way.
Good luck man. Hope you get the car.

On another note, it really depends on how badly the person wants to get rid of the car. If they want it gone, for whatever reason, all prices are negotiable. If they don't want to negotiate, then they really dont want to sell the car that badly. When I was selling my Integra, I listed it for $2K, some guy attempted to low ball me and offered me 400 bucks, told him to take a hike because id sooner drive the car into the ground. Plus I gave him shit for his offer since he pulled up in a new S500 benz and he seemed shocked and annoyed I told him no thanks. Told him he drove an S500 and hes low balling me to $400??!! Sold the car a month later for $1900 to someone else.
I think anyone who has sold a car privately can say that we can only wish that is what happens but in reality you will get people that will be flaky and give you low ball offers. I have story on that note.

I know someone who wants to buy a used 911. He insists he is serious about buying one even though he has no idea what mechanical items are important to check out on the car. Anyway, his dream plan is to find someone going through a foreclosure crisis and low ball them on their car and try to get a "more than good" deal out of the seller. An example is if the car is for sale for $48k than he would offer them $38 or lower. Now mind you this guy is kind of a selfish jerk. I thought to myself after heard this from him, does he feel any remorse for screwing someone out of their possesions just to benefit himself? If he gets a REALLY good deal isn't the other guy getting a REALLY bad deal. I think about this because I have friends here in Vegas that are barely getting by becuase they are loan or real estate sales guys and everything went to crap here. I told him that I don't think it is a good idea to go around screwing people over for their possesions. I have morals so I can't do that type of thing. Plus, I also have a family.

Anyway, I think all car sales go through that pain in the ass part of the car experience. You can only hope with the a nicer car that won't happen.
Serious buyers means you are telling a buyer:

1. You know what this car is and what it isn't - I'm not a used car salesman, so I don't want to spend a bunch of time answering things you can find on Prime.
2. You know what it costs to maintain - I'm not going to detail it out for you
3. You have already checked out the cost of insurance - what I pay for insurance doesn't apply to you.
4. You can afford to pay an amount that is reasonably near my asking price.
5. You actually have the money and won't ask me to wait for you to "get the funds together", wait for you to sell your other car, etc.
6. Finally (for the majority of NSXs) can drive a stick w/o burning up my clutch on the test drive. :biggrin:
Good luck man. Hope you get the car.

On another note, it really depends on how badly the person wants to get rid of the car. If they want it gone, for whatever reason, all prices are negotiable. If they don't want to negotiate, then they really dont want to sell the car that badly. When I was selling my Integra, I listed it for $2K, some guy attempted to low ball me and offered me 400 bucks, told him to take a hike because id sooner drive the car into the ground. Plus I gave him shit for his offer since he pulled up in a new S500 benz and he seemed shocked and annoyed I told him no thanks. Told him he drove an S500 and hes low balling me to $400??!! Sold the car a month later for $1900 to someone else.

I had a similiar situation a few months ago as well. I sware some buyers are retarded. I was selling an 01 IS300 on the market it's worth $12k and Carmax would give me $10k for it. I was asking for around $11k-$10.5k firm. This @$$ decided to offer me $5000. I was like, "Is that for a deposit?" He's like, "NO, but I'll give you $6000 now." I told him nicely that Carmax would easily give me $10k and retard still kept asking for $6000-$7000. Call me every other day asking for $5000-$7000 cash. I was so close to tell him to F#$% off!!!
Personally, I think it is pointless to put "serious buyers only".

Any one who is NOT serious will disregard the comment, and still low-ball you. It's not like it's going to deter them. In fact, the only affect it is likely to have is to make your ad seem negative and scare away some potential buyers who want to negotiate a little off the asking price.

I'd recommend not putting it in your ads. It won't do anything. It's not like a stupid bidder will see that warning and say "Oh, I won't contact him now that he's said that. I only contact people who want me to low-ball them".
When I sold my Pantera, one persistent buyer insisted that I lower the price because it was yellow, and he wanted red!! He bugged me for weeks, grilling me on the same point over and over. I finally told him this is not the car for him and to leave me alone.

He eventually bought it from me anyway, for my price. Then a few months later, he sold it! Jerk.
Good Luck on your offer!

I had a similiar situation a few months ago as well. I sware some buyers are retarded. I was selling an 01 IS300 on the market it's worth $12k and Carmax would give me $10k for it. I was asking for around $11k-$10.5k firm. This @$$ decided to offer me $5000. I was like, "Is that for a deposit?" He's like, "NO, but I'll give you $6000 now." I told him nicely that Carmax would easily give me $10k and retard still kept asking for $6000-$7000. Call me every other day asking for $5000-$7000 cash. I was so close to tell him to F#$% off!!!

What kills me is when someone calls and right there on the phone they ask "What is the least you'll take for it.". Give me a break! Like I am going to just drop the price to my bottom line over the phone...:rolleyes:

IMO its better to decide on a firm price and you will save yourself a lot of haggling. If they offer lower, just remind them that the price is firm...take it or leave it.
When the first question from a potential buyer is "what's the lowest you would sell it for?", I normally just tell them the car is sale pending. I just don't want to deal with low ballers. Some are often rude, and persistent (from past experience). I have had low ballers show up on transaction day and tells me they are $500 short, after we agreed on the sales price (we even shook hands). Does a hand shake mean anything anymore?

When I am a serious buyer, price is one of the last item I ever bring up for negotiation when the car passes my inspection/criteria. My offer price is normally within 5% of asking if I find minor things during my inspection (private party sales only). A serious buyer should always be asking about the car first, not price. (just my opinion)
100% agree! I am a reasonable guy and I feel that anything quailty is worth paying for and this goes for anything in my life. You guys would be amazed how many of my customer try to grind me before we work on their cars and then after grind more, its unbelieveable to me! I work in a Honda service dept. (what most of you would call a stealership lol) but I am a 100% upfront with everything because to me quality is worth paying for, and when I buy or sell cars I use the same basic rules.

When the first question from a potential buyer is "what's the lowest you would sell it for?", I normally just tell them the car is sale pending. I just don't want to deal with low ballers. Some are often rude, and persistent (from past experience). I have had low ballers show up on transaction day and tells me they are $500 short, after we agreed on the sales price (we even shook hands). Does a hand shake mean anything anymore?

When I am a serious buyer, price is one of the last item I ever bring up for negotiation when the car passes my inspection/criteria. My offer price is normally within 5% of asking if I find minor things during my inspection (private party sales only). A serious buyer should always be asking about the car first, not price. (just my opinion)
I am not a fan of putting "serious buyers only" in for sale ads.

I don't think the statement adds value to the ad or discourages tire-kickers or other time-wasters from contacting the seller.
I think a lot of times when your selling a car you get a lot of tire kickers, just stupid offers, and people that aren't really serious. After a while these people just become a pain in the butt. I think "Serious Buyers only or No low ballers please" means that the seller is serious, but please don't waste my time.

Good luck by the way.

True. But most tire kickers don't care enough about other peoples time to be concerned anyway.
When the first question from a potential buyer is "what's the lowest you would sell it for?", I normally just tell them the car is sale pending. I just don't want to deal with low ballers. Some are often rude, and persistent (from past experience). I have had low ballers show up on transaction day and tells me they are $500 short, after we agreed on the sales price (we even shook hands). Does a hand shake mean anything anymore...

The question is, what did you do when the person 'accidentally' showed up $500 short? Did you cave in to their plan? I would have taken 2 wheels off and said, 'That is fine. I will just give you $500 less car,' and see what they said. ;)
The question is, what did you do when the person 'accidentally' showed up $500 short? Did you cave in to their plan? I would have taken 2 wheels off and said, 'That is fine. I will just give you $500 less car,' and see what they said. ;)
lol, nice! This is good info to have actually (in terms of NSX drivers) to ask about the car and just deal with the fact that the asking price is what it's selling for, period. I'm just always afraid there wil be something they didn't disclose which drops the value of the car once you show up check in hand, but if that's the case other things could be wrong too...
lol, nice! This is good info to have actually (in terms of NSX drivers) to ask about the car and just deal with the fact that the asking price is what it's selling for, period. I'm just always afraid there wil be something they didn't disclose which drops the value of the car once you show up check in hand, but if that's the case other things could be wrong too...

I think you misunderstand the situation they are describing.

The price of an NSX is usually negotiable.

They are talking about a situation where the seller and buyer have gone through negotiations, and presumably an inspection of the vehicle, and have agreed on a final price with a firm commitment to buy the car. The buyer shows up $500 short on the day of the exchange, thus trying to get another $500 off the price he already agreed to pay. (A price that is typically already lower than the original asking price).
When I sold my Pantera, one persistent buyer insisted that I lower the price because it was yellow, and he wanted red!! He bugged me for weeks, grilling me on the same point over and over. I finally told him this is not the car for him and to leave me alone.

He eventually bought it from me anyway, for my price. Then a few months later, he sold it! Jerk.

That is to funny.
BTW, you sig says you had a 91 NSX that was a 4spd. You certainly should've kept it as I've never heard of one of those. :confused: :wink:
That is to funny.
BTW, you sig says you had a 91 NSX that was a 4spd. You certainly should've kept it as I've never heard of one of those. :confused: :wink:

Rob, do you ever miss anything?:biggrin:
I have had low ballers show up on transaction day and tells me they are $500 short, after we agreed on the sales price (we even shook hands). Does a hand shake mean anything anymore?
I would have no problem telling the guy to take a hike! Really. I did the same thing on my S2000...guy showed up saying "He couldn't get all of the funds so would I drop my price by $1000?" and I told him no because someone else is coming the next day with all of the cash. See ya! Don't let the door hit you on the way out mate!
I wish I had my last selling experience recorded. I finally sold my all original GSR to a UT college freshman, and his dad.

The guy and his father were both chinese and his father was using old chinese negotiating tactics for me. I literally thought I was in a night market in beijing. He would call me back and offer me $100 more, telling me to "please help my son, he really like your car?". I was very polite to him and could barely stop from laughing. He'd make me and offer and say "OK, I'm gone call me if you change your mind", but I can see his car still parked outside from my 3rd story window [apt complex]. He ended up giving me $200 less than my asking price in cash.
Heres my latest "serious buyer" struggle. Car comes up for sale. I call the owner. I offer him FULL ASKING PRICE. He accepts. I round up someone to check out the car as its 1500 miles away. I find that someone.

Then the seller calls and says, basically, "just kidding" I am keeping it.

Was he price checking the market? Probably.

Anyways, its his to sell so more power to him. Just don't waste my (and someon elses) time!