sequential shifter and R duct came today

12 August 2001
Seattle, WA 30' N.


This is Kite direct replica of the JDM R duct. I didn't have to trim anything to fit, just need to fabricate some brackets then I will be good to go.
The sequential shifter will be install ASAP and I will give some feed back later on.
Congrats! R duct looks like a LHD unit? Where did you order it from and what is the price. I'm also interested.
will the sequential shifter give any stress to the gear box?
i am interested in that too, just want to know the pros and cons about the shifter
oooh, the elusive sequential shifter..... Hurry up! Bolt her on! I remember that part from a couple months back!

Oh... I can see the electronic gear indicator wiring...Plastic like/delrin shift knob.... nice must be the the Ikeya Sequential shifter. I REALLY want one, but $1,663? Yikes!
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ooh... the sequential shifter looks cool... i'd like to see pics of the final install.... perhaps a onboard video if possible.... THANKS :biggrin:
NA1/2-R said:
The sequential shifter will be install ASAP and I will give some feed back later on.

thanks will be here waiting :smile:
sequential shifter, thats crazy

you can just slap the shifter on with out doing any other mods to the tranny? do you still use the clutch? let me know what im missing here. looking forward to seeing this, props on getting one
TRD94JZA80TT said:
sequential shifter, thats crazy

you can just slap the shifter on with out doing any other mods to the tranny? do you still use the clutch? let me know what im missing here. looking forward to seeing this, props on getting one

it's an ikeya 'shift machine', eg it is a mechanical device, activated by forward and backward movements of the lever, that shifts the 'H-pattern' for you - you still need to use the clutch.
Ok gangs,
Here's the run down on the installation process:
1. This kit came with no instructions on how to install (bought used)...:confused:
2. I have never touched this area of my car before
3. I was very anxious of how this will fit (find out sooner or later, so I decided to do it myself= sooner)
4. I started around 9pm PST and finish it at 12am = 3 hours
With all that resources, I left with very little to start with. I unknowingly taking the center console out (from my nav pod to my arm rest unit)
there it is my shifting linkage...hmmm:confused: I was very confused. Should I keep go on or put everything back??? (as an F/A-18 mech, I R/R quite few things on that jet) hmmmm how about keep going and see what happens. I removed the shifter assembly...hmmm then tried to fit the sequential unit on top of the aluminum perch...hmmmm (yeah I did a lot of hmmms) don't look right to me because it sat too high for the 2 cable to reach the connection point... then what the heck, I kept goin and removed the aluminum perch and pried out 2 clips that holding the shifting cable in place and start remove the 2 screws that hold the cable to the shifting prongs. Wow and this point I was basically removed everything of the OEM shifting assemly. Then the moment of excitement came when I test fit the sequential assembly and ding ding ding, that's how it supposed to fit...noding :biggrin:
So what's next? put the puzzle of the sequential unit together (came in 3 pieces) and bam that's how it supposed to come together....:biggrin:
So at this point I was ready to screw the puzzle together... damn that's a tight spot to turn a screw..*sigh* here came my F/A-18 experience came in handy. If you don't know about the F/A-18 already, they are one of the smallest fighters but yet they packed some serious technology (means not much space around it's components) I once upside down (ass in the air) tried to tighten 1 fitting with 2 fingers and 1/8 turn at a time and it took me 3 hours, yup 1 fitting took me 3 hours because everyone else gave up...That's all for that.
After about 1 hour I had everything tighten and looking good. Here came the electronic part... sigh I wonder if they will work like it's supposed to???
spliced power and remote and ground...done done done.
OK, here came the ignition turned and I can see that the gear indicator is working (5-4-3-2-1-0-R)...phewwwws
How about dry shifting? hmmm works fine... started the engine up, even better... went through all the gear Neutral and even Reverse worked. How about ease up the clutch to see if it actually move? hmmm nice nice... it moved forward and reverse just fine. Shut the engine:biggrin: and cleaned everything up (thinking in my head*will finish it up tomorrow and MAYBE take her out for a spin)
Then I snaped some pictures for you gangs to see:

very cool. For some reason I thought the mechanism stuck out higher out of the console. You could tuck that under a boot very easily (if you wanted to) and it would look very stock.... nice.

You'll have to get us some feedback after a few weeks of driving and let us know how everything is working.
serialNSXer said:
Congrats! R duct looks like a LHD unit? Where did you order it from and what is the price. I'm also interested.

I just noticed in your avatar section, that you mention your in New Delhi, India. Is that correct ? If so, are you just working there, or are you and your family actually living there now ? I ask, because I know for quite a while you were living in the USA.
NA1/2-R said:
How about dry shifting? hmmm works fine... started the engine up, even better... went through all the gear Neutral and even Reverse worked. How about ease up the clutch to see if it actually move? hmmm nice nice... it moved forward and reverse just fine. Shut the engine:biggrin: and cleaned everything up (thinking in my head*will finish it up tomorrow and MAYBE take her out for a spin)

What a tease!