September 11

NeoNSX said:

My thoughts are with those who had loved ones who died. :(
Ditto. May they rest in peace.
I also think of what it would be like to get with this guy in a locked room, mano-e-mano.
Here is to remembering New York's finest for sacraficing their lives to save so many................. Thank you
My thoughts are with all those who suffered a loss on September 11th.

If you see a Police Officer or Fireman today, thank them for the job that they do, and don't forget all of our brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces that are working to make this a safer world for all of us.
Watching the ceremonies at Ground Zero this morning reminded me once again of what I was doing two years ago, and how I watched the news for almost 24 solid hours after that. It's definitely the saddest day of my short life, and (unfortunately) the controversies and bogus conspiracies surrounding it will probably exist for a long time to come. It's good to know that the majority of the world marked the event with their own ceremonies today. It wasn't just U.S. citizens who were targeted.

God bless and keep the families and victims of 9/11, and godspeed to those in harm's way today looking for the perpetrators of this horrible event.

I work on Wall Street in NYC, everyday in some way shape or form I am revisited by the horror and sadness I felt on 9/11. This morning, as I expected the feelings were much worse. I was on my usual ferry from exchange place in Jersey City to Wall Street however, instead of heading towards the East River my ferry traveled straight across the Hudson to World Financial. We joined joinned about 40-50 other ferries, NYPD boats, FDNY boats, and private vessels, waited there, and at 10:30 AM all the boats sounded their air horns. It was a very intense moment seeing that many ships in one spot all facing the WTC site bobbing in place, it was almost as if the machines themselves were paying respect. As I sit here trying to express myself, I find it almost impossible. Growing up in NY, and now working here, those buildings have been a part of my life for as long as I remember. I feel extremely angry to have them so violently taken away. Even worse is the fact that so many innocent lives were taken with them. As much emotion as I feel, I can't possibly fathom how I would have handled losing a loved one. Everyday I realize how fortunate I am, and my heart goes out to every single person who has suffered and or is still suffering. May god be with you, and help ease your pain.


I have never shed as many tears as I did when I saw them play The Star Spangled Banner outside of Buckingham Palace on Sept 11 (maybe 12th?). Britian has been there for us in so many ways, but that was just unparalleled by ANYTHING.

And the British citizens waving American flags was breath-taking.

I just wish the peaceful state would have lasted longer with some of the other countries that shared their condolences (Palestine/Israel, Pakistan/India, etc)
jadkar said:
I work on Wall Street in NYC, everyday in some way shape or form I am revisited by the horror and sadness I felt on 9/11. This morning, as I expected the feelings were much worse. I was on my usual ferry from exchange place in Jersey City to Wall Street however, instead of heading towards the East River my ferry traveled straight across the Hudson to World Financial. We joined joinned about 40-50 other ferries, NYPD boats, FDNY boats, and private vessels, waited there, and at 10:30 AM all the boats sounded their air horns. It was a very intense moment seeing that many ships in one spot all facing the WTC site bobbing in place, it was almost as if the machines themselves were paying respect. As I sit here trying to express myself, I find it almost impossible. Growing up in NY, and now working here, those buildings have been a part of my life for as long as I remember. I feel extremely angry to have them so violently taken away. Even worse is the fact that so many innocent lives were taken with them. As much emotion as I feel, I can't possibly fathom how I would have handled losing a loved one. Everyday I realize how fortunate I am, and my heart goes out to every single person who has suffered and or is still suffering. May god be with you, and help ease your pain.



John -

My thoughts and prayers go out to you, yours and all those affected by that terrible day. My wife is a third generation NYer. Her entire family (but for her) still live in one of the 5 burroughs (mostly Queens and Brooklyn). That day was perhaps the worst day of my life (maybe even than the day I lost my beloved grandfather) and I know it was worse for my wife. I won't trivialize it by sharing personal stories but I will say that even out here in S. CA, 3,500+ miles away that day was simply awful.

I won't get into the politics of what we have done subsequently or should do. I don't think that's appropriate. But I would be remiss if I didn't say that my heart still aches for that day.

Godspeed to those who lost their lives. Peace and God's comfort to those who lost love ones. My family continues to pray for you all.