Senna - movie screening - NOT in Tulsa...

13 September 2000
Tulsa, OK
...but would be if he wore boots and a cowboy hat and played college football. Someone bring their DL'd copy to my place and I'll host a screening. I'll even BBQ some tritip and pinquinto beans.
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If it's not possible to get everyone there on Friday (Sept 30th), then perhaps we can get a group together for viewing during the Sat or Sunday showing (2:50pm)?
Saw the movie last night. Loved it. It painted a very rosy picture of his tumultuous racing career but I understood his philosophy and his aggressive nature. Didn't realize he was such a player though nor did I fully understand how many underprivileged kids he's helped.

I think I came out of there with a greater appreciation for his success as related to his work ethic.
Saw the movie last night. Loved it. It painted a very rosy picture of his tumultuous racing career but I understood his philosophy and his aggressive nature. Didn't realize he was such a player though nor did I fully understand how many underprivileged kids he's helped.

I think I came out of there with a greater appreciation for his success as related to his work ethic.

I too enjoyed it very much.... Didn't see it at the theater but watched at home so I can replay it over and over in slow motion to catch the glim of the action between Senna and Prost. :smile:
Is it out on DVD/Blu-ray yet? And did anyone else develop a slight crush on Xuxa?

Checking Amazon now...