Senna - Aug 12 - Landmark NYC

12 June 2006
Ottawa, Canada
The Senna movie is playing in New York City, starting this Friday.

Are any Northeast US Region members attending? I have reserved a ticket for the 12:30 PM show on Friday, August 12.

Please let me know if you or others are attending the screening. Would enjoy the opportunity to meet you.

Where is it playing and for how long? I work in the city so it is possible I can make it but not this Friday.

Where is it playing and for how long? I work in the city so it is possible I can make it but not this Friday.


It is playing at the Landmark on E Houston in lower Manhattan. I know that it is playing multiple times per day and for at least a week.

There are also special events going on during the day on Saturday, including vintage racing cars and a special guest. I thought it might be Lewis Hamilton.

I wound up going to a special screening in Montreal last night. Although the story is very familiar, it was great to see 105 min of Senna and his impact on F1 and racing. Truly an exciting and inspiring pilot.

I can't imagine that there's an NSX owner that won't like this movie as much as I did.

You can also pre-order a boxed set, deliverable in October 2011, from the F1 store on Formula

Yes, I will purchase it.