Semi-finished.....02,WB,and back to NA???

1 February 2005
Well, after 8 long months of sitting on jackstands, i decided to finish the car, well sorta. 02 conversion front and rear, Sorcery V2 front, V1 everything else, waiting on a few more Sorcery items. AND the car is back to NA. Heres just a peek at it. Yes there are a few tiny adjustments that arent done yet and a few oem parts i still need. Hate it, Love it, Eh maybe i just need a new project:rolleyes:



It looks really good!!! I just ordered a downforce hood similiar to that one you have on the car, can't wait to get it painted and installed.
Car looks great, congratz!

Those wheels look perfect on a WB setup!
the cars looking awesome! great job on the updated look!
Thanks for all the comments, no rear shots yet, still missing my rear diffuser, exhaust and a few other goodies. THose will be up sometime in the next few weeks.... It will get a a new color in a month or so
Thanks for all the comments, no rear shots yet, still missing my rear diffuser, exhaust and a few other goodies. THose will be up sometime in the next few weeks.... It will get a a new color in a month or so

whuts the new color? :confused: :eek: