Selling/Swapping rims, need suggestions

7 February 2001
I need some logistical advice. I'm selling my Lowenharts for weight reduction purposes. I will replace them with some 16/17 technos, stock, or similar light wheel. I need some help with logistics.
I can't afford to just go and buy the new rims first. I will use the money from selling my Lowenharts for that. This means I need to get my car up on something, have the wheels removed (tires from rims too) so I can ship them to a buyer.
Then, I have to leave my car there until I get a chance to buy the new rims and tires to mount them back on the car.
Problem is, I don't have the equipment to keep the car up, or to put tires on rims. I am unsure of how I will handle this. I doubt a shop will let me leave my car on their lift for days.
The only things I can think of is if I trade with someone in Los Angeles, we can both show up at a shop and do it on the spot.
Any suggestions on how I can work this from those that have done it before would be helpful. Thanks
Buy a set of decent jackstands. And sell the wheels WITH the tires - they will be much easier to sell. Buy new tires for your new wheels.

I can't afford to just go and buy the new rims first.

Then you're probably better off waiting and saving enough money to buy the rims before you go ahead.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 23 April 2001).]
He Ilya, do you have a friend that can lend you some jackstands? I mean they aren't expensive but if your only going to use them one time maybe you should ask some people if you can borrow them, ya know? If you lived in ND I'd let you borrow mine, but you don't
If you decide to put your car up on stands, make sure you "prop up" your wheels. That means DO NOT let your suspension extend fully under it's own weight - you might cause the seals to start leaking. Just shore up the wheel assemblies with a 2x4 post.
Thanks for the offer. If I sell my rims instead of trading and I need something to put on temp, I just may take you up on the offer.