I have still several stuff for sale, I do not know the selling price, make me an offer and we will work it out!
- Ventura lowering springs, 1 year old, 35mm lowering, retails normally in Europe for 200-220 euros (Dali had them for about 210$ if I remember correctly)
Selling for half price: 110 euros. SOLD!
- OEM CD Changer mounting bracket, retails for 100 euros at Honda dealers
Selling for 40 euros.
- Two Acura "A" carbon fiber emblems, for those that are tired of european Honda (I am selling them because I installed the 2002 chromed "A"!)
Selling for 15 euros.
- Dali Racing aluminium shift knob
Selling for 30 euros.
- Four AXIA 3-part wheels, 17". Two of them with some scratch (that should be machine finished in a shop, they scratched against a curb). Selling at very interesting price...
Selling for 700 euros.
EDITED to add/update some price!
[This message has been edited by gheba_nsx (edited 09 March 2003).]
- Ventura lowering springs, 1 year old, 35mm lowering, retails normally in Europe for 200-220 euros (Dali had them for about 210$ if I remember correctly)
Selling for half price: 110 euros. SOLD!
- OEM CD Changer mounting bracket, retails for 100 euros at Honda dealers
Selling for 40 euros.
- Two Acura "A" carbon fiber emblems, for those that are tired of european Honda (I am selling them because I installed the 2002 chromed "A"!)
Selling for 15 euros.
- Dali Racing aluminium shift knob
Selling for 30 euros.
- Four AXIA 3-part wheels, 17". Two of them with some scratch (that should be machine finished in a shop, they scratched against a curb). Selling at very interesting price...
Selling for 700 euros.
EDITED to add/update some price!
[This message has been edited by gheba_nsx (edited 09 March 2003).]