Seeking right seat time at Watkins Glen

29 February 2000
St. Petersburg
Bad News/Good News:

Bad News- Rebuild won't be completed in time to bring car to NSXPO.

Good News- My wife and I just decided to still come to NSXPO. Airfare was $238 round trip total for both of us.

Result- Track junkie/Speed freak with no car will be spending two days at one of the world's premier road courses. This is where it gets ugly. Guys, I will do whatever it takes{within reason} :D , wash car, change brake pads, etc to spend a little time in the right seat around the track at speed. So, if you see a guy holding a sign saying something like "Will work for seat time"....that will be me! See you guys in a couple of weeks!
That should not be too much of a problem, Scott. With 25+ instructors having 4 sessions per day, I am sure you can get the chance to experience the track.
Hey Scott!!

Sorry to hear about your schedule, but very happy you will still join us. I saw the news about you not coming earlier and was disappointed. Do not worry about not having your car. After 4 NSXPO's this will be the first year I actually have mine there!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you folks there:).

There will be ample oportunity for riders to get instructer right seats.
Larry Bastanza said:
After 4 NSXPO's this will be the first year I actually have mine there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will be my eighth NSXPO, and the fifth year I actually have mine there. I can assure you that you can have a great time by flying to the event. About the only thing you can't do without your car is driving on the track. Everything else, you can enjoy just as much without your car as you can with it. There will be lots of participants with empty passenger seats, so you can ride shotgun with other owners getting from one venue to another and during activities like the poker rally. Great way to meet other owners.
You know I'll be glad to lend a helping hand with #35. Changing to track rubber, torquing lug nuts, etc! BTW, I just found a box of pads in my garage from NSXPO 2002. I believe they are yours! I'll plan to bring them with me if you'd like.

I hope you faired well this weekend with the weather. Living on the 15th floor with no power has got to be rough! Hopefully you were spared this time around. We made out fine over here. No real damage, just alot of debris around from trees and such.
Tampa Bay, Miled mentioned yesterday about you and your wife coming up to the Glen, allow me to offer you, or your wife (although if it's your wife, please have her sign an agreement with Bob Ondrovic regarding a potential divorce with my wife) right seat time for the Poker Rally, and other non-track events. Now that I have new rear tires, I don't anticipate any problems. Have a safe trip up-R ;)
Many thanks for your offer! As for the divorce part, I don't think your wife will feel very threatened. My wife is about 5 months pregnant! :D
I'll look forward to meeting you next week. Best regards,
TampaBayNSX-R said:
Many thanks for your offer! As for the divorce part, I don't think your wife will feel very threatened. My wife is about 5 months pregnant! :D
I'll look forward to meeting you next week. Best regards,
Scott, you don't know my wife, or Bob!!!!-Regards, Roger :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: