Seeking a clutch Disc Alignment Tool (NSX)!

10 October 2003
New York
I am a new owner of a 1992 NSX and the shop that is working on my car tells me they need a very specific tool, namely, a clutch disc alignment tool. Since I would only need this tool once, for a day, I was hoping that somebody would possibly have one and would be willing to loan it to me for a day. I would be responsible for paying for shipping back & forth and would be extremely appreciative of the help. We have called around to buy the tool which as a last resort I would be happy to do, but I've come up short. Might somebody be able to help me ASAP so I can get my baby on the road quickly? I am an Artists Representative and would be delighted to send the helpful individual a beautiful oversized art print for their help. This is something that can be framed and hung. Thank you for your time.
You might want to ask your local Acura dealership if the have one you could borrow. I just sopoke to my dealership and was told I could borrow it. However, I don't think they would be too happy if I had it more than a couple of days.