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Seek Carbon Fiber Hatch Scoop Information

4 August 2001
Las Vegas, NV
Hi All,

I'm trying to locate the manufacture or retailer who carries the Carbon Fiber Hatch Scoop found on GJ's Turbo NSX. Tried e-mailing PA but didn't receive any answer. Perhaps they are too back-logged.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Best Regards


I'm also looking for the JGTC scoop. Sorry, but I don't like the "square style" of Science of Speed. Isn't there another one (like the pic on top of this thread) available?

Hope someone can help me out!

Just buy it from GJ. (that's what I did) The fit isn't quite as slick as the SOS parts, but it is indeed a more aggressive look. Keep calling. Be patient :-)


Thanks for the info, but where and what is GJ? Are there pics availabel somewhere?

Bad bad bad........You had me drooling all over myself..... :tongue:

May I ask if you have any clearence issues with the hatch fully opened?
May I also ask how much did paid for your setup?

Thanks Regard
Pretty Slick hatch :biggrin: . Jason and I went to his shop once a few years back and he was packed. Now you know Paul if you get that hatch your car will be putting all of the other NSX's to shame. :biggrin:

Bill.......If that is the case, maybe I shouldn't get it. I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb....... :biggrin:

Another option is to get this from Japan. What do you think?


There are no clearance issues with the hatch fully opened. I'd guess there is a little more than a cm between the two. The hatch opens much more quickly, even with a few year old struts as it is so much lighter than the OE glass. I don't remember exactly the cost, but it wasn't much. I think around $1000 plus the OE aluminum frame.


I'm wondering...any issues with water going into the scoop and down on top of the engine? I would imagine if it was raining hard while you were driving that the water falling in would cause some kind of steam on the rear hatch? How about during washing the car, any issues with water getting in and down on top of the engine?

Yes, water will freely pass through the scoop onto the top of the engine if you were driving in a downpour. I don't recall ever having more than a few drops of water after washing the car. Steam has not been an issue either--wouldn't matter because you can hardly see between the spoiler and the scoop, anyway. Probably wouldn't be the best option for a daily driver.



Thanks soo much for the information. I'll try calling GJ again. I hope he will sell the Scoop as an individual piece for I don't care for all those mounting bolt at the base of his Hatch. The SOS hatch looks more refined with better fitment.

Best Regards

beckertb said:

There are no clearance issues with the hatch fully opened. I'd guess there is a little more than a cm between the two. The hatch opens much more quickly, even with a few year old struts as it is so much lighter than the OE glass. I don't remember exactly the cost, but it wasn't much. I think around $1000 plus the OE aluminum frame.

