Seat Belt Receptacle and the Pole Position

4 September 2000
Been doing a deep dive on Pole Position seats (non-ABE). According to what I've found, the holes are too small to accept the standard size female seat belt receptacle. (I found a good deal on a couple of new Pole Position seats and pulled the trigger BTW).

I've been seeing some who've used a fabric strap from another car, but try as I might, I can't decipher what cars they come from. I'd like to buy new old stock, but can't wrap my head around what the specific donor cars might be. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The 'fabric' belts can be used from the rear of a UKDM Integra Type R. I don't know if it has to be a Type R model, but that's where mine came from.
Put Integra in your search and it should throw up more hits.

Mexi Ricers' MCB thread has some more details.
Much appreciated. Thank you!
I was searching for the same exact info but I am using the Pole Position ABE and the regular NSX buckle dont fit well... I would prefer a fabric strap. So in Canada maybe the rear Integra 1999 would make it ?
Just ordered a pair on ebay, sourced them in the UK. I, too, wondered if the part is specific to the R Type and couldn't find an answer, so I just stuck with Type R since it was available.
Just today for the first time test drove my Recaro ABE's. You have choices depending on the mounts you will using. You can use extenders long enough to allow for seat movement (belt moving inside the seat hole). I personally purchased the R inside mounts and bolted all the mounts on the seat bracket itself and was thus able/had to bend all the OE mounts to get the receptacle to stick out of the seat hole just right and a bit inside the seat so i could find it somewhat easily. As most racing rules require direct mounting to the body (i think), I balked at first but after "analyzing" the mounts for strength/safety i believe it's fine to do this provided your mount is good which i suspect they all are. These seats are much more upright than most of us are used to and i struggled today a bit with the seat position as installed. I may have to play with the seat mounting a bit more so this may be an issue for you to consider. There are lots of legacy posts on different mounts and you may want to contact SOS or MITA for advice. I should have. The recaro's for sure enhance induce the "race car" endorfins that will hopefully overshadow the sciatica pain from getting in and out he-he. Very nice weight savings.
installed my pole positions this year and also am still messing with setting position. my rfy low rail was too low for the seat to even move. so I had to find some custom side mounts to attach that raised the seats bottom off the floorboard slightly. I also am using the fabric type r receivers