Searching for NSX tech in Charlotte, NC...

26 September 2005
Matthews, North Carolina
I am planning to purchase an older NSX, '91 or '92, within the next 12 months and I am trying to locate a qualified tech close by that would not charge me and arm and a leg for repair works. Other than going to Hendrick Acura, is there any other qualified NSX tech close by to Charlotte, NC that I can talk with in checking out what it would cost to do things such as tranny case replacement (preventative measure for "in snap range car"), clutch, valves, reupholstered, etc...Part of my thinking is to try to figure out if I should purchase an older car that have all problematic issues resolved or if should opt for one that is still in good condition and wait for when problems arise and fix them as they come. Thanks in advance for all your help.