Screen for Oil filter

I think this is a good idea. The screen should only block a little bit of the oil flowing thru the engine. At 8000 rpm your engine would not be getting the amount of oil it was designed for at but at least you have a nice screen to catch the blown up bits of metal.
I may ignorant but isn't the purpose of the oil filter is to filter debris from going back into the engine? Where as this screen "ENGINE CHEK traps debris before it enters the filter." So in reality the screen is preventing the filter to do it's job....

sure go ahead and pay $9.99 now and another $4000-$6000 for an engine rebuild :D heh heh

..I'll pass.....
These guys' claim is that if you have bits of metal or chunks of carbon black coming through in your oil, you want to know about them. This product appears to have a fairly coarse mesh size but it also doesn't have anywhere near the surface area as the main filter... tough to say what it does for hydraulic pressure drop.

I'm of the opinion that if you're getting chunks of stuff in your oil, your engine is not long for this world anyway. I'm no mechanic, but I'd say the severe wear that you should be concerned about and take preventative action is due to continuous erosion, producing extremely small particles therefore not caught by this aftermarket screen. The big chunks..well... :eek:
Don't waste your money on $0.50 worth of screen for $10.00. If you really what to see if you have any debris circulating in you engine check your spool valve filter. They have way finer screen and if they get clogged you will get a check engine light. Also if you get the screen off center and into the oil filter gasket you will have a leak.