SCCA event designations

The SCCA does hold "drivers schools" however these are licensing schools for racers and to attend you need a set up race car, full rollcage, fire equipt etc...If you are granted a license then you can do SCCA lapping days at different tracks around the county in your "race car". You'll have to carry a log book and have each event signed off by the Chief Stewart There is a school at Watkis Glen every year in October. Go to that should answers all you questions.
Senior Member

licensing school is totally different than HPDE. Licensing school is race school. You get to learn to race. Start practice, race practice and so forth. SCCA does offer this, usullay twice a year.

SCCA lapping day is non existence. What the track usually have is what they call Test day. These days are open for racers with valid license (any racing license SCCA, NASA, VARA, IMSA, FIA, etc) as well valid log book race cars. You must use race cars to do this event.

I heard SCCA is looking into doing something similar to HPDE, as they are loosing their young members.
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"Test day. These days are open for racers with valid license "

It's looser than that. :eek: Show up with a race car and you're in. T-Hill let me in (Jan 2004) before I went to licensing school and an acquaintenance told me (Nov 2003) Buttonwillow doesn't care to see a license even when offered.

You're right about SCCA and membership retention. Drifting is (going to be) a series :rolleyes: and they need to attract the tuner kids.

you were right about the test day back in the day. But I heard they have tighten up a little bit. Although Thunderhill and BW always known to let everyone in if they are low on attendance. Sears Point is another story though. They usually stick by the book.