
4 October 2002
i read a post on this site concerning a scam: abuer is willing to wire u more money than u ask but u have to wire the difference back. im soryy i believe he mentioned sending me a cashiers check. then i wire the differnce back. im not 100% on the details . whos heard of this scam before?
i read a post on this site concerning a scam: abuer is willing to wire u more money than u ask but u have to wire the difference back. im soryy i believe he mentioned sending me a cashiers check. then i wire the differnce back. im not 100% on the details . whos heard of this scam before?

ther's a sucker born every minute.
i read a post on this site concerning a scam: abuer is willing to wire u more money than u ask but u have to wire the difference back. im soryy i believe he mentioned sending me a cashiers check. then i wire the differnce back. im not 100% on the details . whos heard of this scam before?


Maybe you read this

attempted scam happening right now to me.

i just got an email on a car im selling. the buyer want to pay asking price plus an extra 6500. covering shipping and the rest of the cash i have to send back. BEWARE of this scam. i read about shotkallers experience w this. btw i had posted an earlier thread and it got erased???
read shotkallers post

in a nut shell the send u fak bankcheck. then ask u to western union the remainder minus expenses to them. a bank check may clear only to find out a mon th later it was bogus.
Or you may have read this one.

Be careful and don't send any money to this person. In fact, don't even take a check of this nature to the bank! In this thread a member tried to deposit a bad check from this same type of scam and, weeks later, when the check was found to be fraudulent the bank shut down all of his accounts!