Saying Hello

5 December 2008
Just registered and wanted to say hello to all,i hope in the future i can contribute to the forum and become a part of the scene.I will be in the market for an early car between now and into the spring,more closely to spring.
Thanks guys, i've been down the road a few times,4 Vettes,2 Porsches,1 Ferrari,1 Alfa,1 Fiat,handfull of Mazda's from Rx2's (how many remember them?) Rx3's, to Rx7's and a new generation Mini Cooper S.We are all aware of the reliability of the Honda engine and their line of cars so i thought why not look into an NSX.So here i am,in learning mode as i know virtually nothing about them.I will lurk here as much as possible and learn all i can about this marque,i hope you'll tolerate my rookie questions and inquires.

Thanks Again,
Ol'Bill (56)
Bill, your attitude is great and you already show yourself to be a valuable addition to the community. I've found that this forum is amazing, and the wisdom/maturity level of many of the users is refreshing, as I'm sure you will also discover in due time.

I wish you luck finding the right NSX to add to your list of driver's car ownership experiences.
Welcome :smile:

From one new Primer to another, every time I sign in here I learn something new. The information and people here are outstanding, I think you'll be very glad you came. :cool:

OL'BILL, sounds like you will be feeling much younger in the New Year! :biggrin:
LOL, You will be getting one sooner rather than later because Once you register on this great Forum you will be obsessed with getting an NSX and will stop at nothing to get it. ( At least thats what happened to me LOL)

Thanks everyone for the kind words,and yes i attended the cars and cofffee Sat morning in Charlotte and looked at several nice NSX's and met several owners and they were very nice and encourging about purchasing.I promise i'll be leaning on you guys for info on this marque,some high points,low points and everything in between.

Thanks Again,
Thanks everyone for the kind words,and yes i attended the cars and cofffee Sat morning in Charlotte and looked at several nice NSX's and met several owners and they were very nice and encourging about purchasing.I promise i'll be leaning on you guys for info on this marque,some high points,low points and everything in between.

Thanks Again,

Foreign Cars Italia has a black low mileage 91 or 92 on the floor. Greensboro NC
i just got my nsx and joined prime. you're going to enjoy yourself. there are a lot of great and helpful people on here, and the level of information is incredible. the car is better than you think it's going to be. hope we'll get to meet sometime since we're both in nc.
Robbie,sounds like a great color combo you got,green / tan.Thats my favorite Brit colors.
Tomcat, thanks i'll check their website to see if there is any info on car.

Welcome to NSX Prime!

You also notice that there are a few of us "global" members as well. That's the amazing thing about the internet and NSX ownership it reaches across borders. A few members from the U.S. and Canada have come to visit me in Dubai and say hello and I've also gone abroad to say hello and buy NSX(s) as well.

This website is invaluable for sure.

Good luck on the search and PM me if you have any questions about buying a NSX as I've owned a 91 NA1 model and my current 2002.


Thanks for the welcome,i keep hearing really cool things about your part of the world,new huge skyscrapers and all kinds of other neat stuff.I read all the time on f-chat about all the f-cars and other exotics there in Dubai. Thanks Again,
I looked into the NSX at Foreign Cars Italia, very nice 92,blk/blk w/13k,but i thought that $39,900 was a bit much in todays market.$32-$33 maybe,I'm sure its a great car with no stories but $5k is better in my pocket than theirs,as my dad use to say.
Thanks for the lead though,