Saw only Black/Red '04 Manual

17 March 2007
Today ran across older gentleman with the only Blk/Red manual for '04. Always feels a little more special for me when I see the rare ones:wink: He stated it's hard to find an NSX in good shape to purchase these days. Said he drives car regularly for that was reason to buy it. completely stock. It was a good visual. :biggrin:
It should have 5 more brothers out there somewhere as the wiki indicates that there were 6 black/red Manuals produced in 2004

I stand corrected blue.:redface: And this was after I looked at wiki. Didn't follow line over well. Possibly white on white. LOL
My guess is the driver thought it was the only one because his dealership sold it as the only one, at least at the time. :) Its a very lovely color combo... but I could be biased.
I really like this combo and have it in my S2000. It's what I would like in my next sports car as well.
I've always thought that combo was one of the most visually striking out there. Looks classy to me but that may be because I grew up in the 70s. For what it's worth I still don't like the early Porsche 928 psychedelic interiors or the prismatic dashes on the 70's Trans Ams.

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black/ red reminds me of either a bordello or a casket....take your pick. :wink:
Anyone have pictures of an 2005 white on white? Never seen pictures of one. Curious to see what it looks like.