Saw a red Murcielago today!

10 September 2002
WOW, what a sight! So wide & so low, like a giant wedge coming toward me. I caught a brief glimpse of it going the other way as I was driving home. Don't really care for the red color though (the car is outrageous enough without it)

Nice to see this area become more affluent, so that there are more cool toys running around
Sounds nice. I forget, What are the Murcielgo's going for today? Like 250k?

"So your Honda Civic has 1.6 Litres, Yet my Mountain Dew bottle has 2 Litres."
Were u driving your NSX at the time? If so, did you show him who the daddy was?!

The Murcielago is beautiful... personally i love the lime color... what color do u like Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT>?
Love the car, recently had a chance to go for a drive in it (didn't drive it though). It is one, big momma!! The sense of "cocoon" is quite unbelievable though. Mine was yellow colored.

I saw one on the freeway near san rafel. At the time me and my classmates were describing cars using animal names (I was on a class trip; and hey, we're a bunch of hippies, hehe) and the only phrase the girls could come up with was "snake"

Only me and one friend of mine had ever heard of it before and knew it for what it was worth. Absolutely stunning car, it was teh yellow one too.

The funniest commerical I have ever seen had a merculago in it...a couple kids roll up next to a parked highway patrol officer (The lambo sounds BEAUTIFUL by the way) and kinda "give him the look" YOu see the lambo speed off and it is insinuated that the cops then engange in a high speed pursuit. Anyways, it was funny.

We also saw a 550, and we came up with shark for it. Integras were known as "mice" (I so did not approve of that title) Incredibly, we ran into a 260 Modena as well, and aptly named it jackrabbit.

And If I had to name a nsx, I would have to call it a wolf. Not terifficaly fast in a straight line, but cunning and manueverable.
Originally posted by SpankyPop:
...The funniest commerical I have ever seen had a merculago in it...a couple kids roll up next to a parked highway patrol officer (The lambo sounds BEAUTIFUL by the way) and kinda "give him the look" YOu see the lambo speed off and it is insinuated that the cops then engange in a high speed pursuit. Anyways, it was funny.

I don't get it.

Originally posted by SpankyPop:
...Incredibly, we ran into a 260 Modena as well, and aptly named it jackrabbit....

It's a 360 Modena.

Originally posted by SpankyPop:
I saw one on the freeway near san rafel...We also saw a 550...we ran into a 260 Modena as well

Lucky you...seems like a pretty good day for some high-end car viewing.

<font color=red>Neo</font>, personally I like the orange or lime on the Murcielago--at least on the scale models

I was driving my Mustang at the time, and if traffic had been lighter I would've made a u-turn to try to get a better look! Hopefully I'll see it around again..

The MSRP for the Murcielago is $273k !! Incredible machine! Still, I think I prefer the styling of the Countach though; that is my all time favorite Lamborghini

<font size=1>

[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 02 February 2003).]
Originally posted by SpankyPop:
And If I had to name a nsx, I would have to call it a wolf. Not terifficaly fast in a straight line, but cunning and manueverable.

ehehe... that's "Mr.Wolf" thank you...

Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT>: (*&$ man u own a mustang??? what year?! my sis's boyfriend has a '66 mustang; just finishing restoring it and got it rego'd last week! mad!!! u have superb taste in automobiles.

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 03 February 2003).]
I love seeing amazing cars out on the road. It's one thing to see them in a showroom or at a show, but to see and hear them out on the road is amazing! Last week I saw an F40 out for an afternoon was possibly the greatest sound that I have ever heard! I almost ran off the road staring at it as it cruised past me!
The kids in the Merculago egged the cop into a high speed pursuit

and the 260 part was a typo, ha ha.

And yeah, I was quite suprised too; I really didn't expect to see that many nice cars. Is San Rafel considered a rich/affluent area? I'm afraid I don't know many of the "rich" neighborhoods in california other than beverly hills.


[This message has been edited by SpankyPop (edited 04 February 2003).]
Kelvin... that's a sweet 02GT! but looks a 'little' different to my sister's boyfriends mustang... his rear wheels is lowered... looks so BADDDDDD... hehehe...

will show him ur pix when i see him next. will also let u know what he thinks of ur 02GT.
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