saved by the prime

5 December 2010
looking to buy my first nsx i posted buying a salvage to get opinions on what people here thought of that and got a few interesting replys but one post said you don;t drive the salvage title you drive the car your dd and ppi and go for it which i did. searching prime i stumbled across old posts and pictures of the car i wanted to buy ..i couldn;t believe it there it was with the name of the 2 previous prime owners....contacted them and within hours had emails and personal phone no# offering me all their knowledge on this car which led me to cancel the purchase and saved me from a bad deal (buyer beware) so i would like to thank donwon and charleysung ....and my brother who was the detective on this case
Glad you found out before it was too late. You can see it in another post in this sub forum by V.Lats97nsx, but the damage needs to be 75% of the value of the car or insurance won't total it out. There are some cases like stolen interiors or stolen motors that are real gems, but if not, do your homework and beware!
Prime can be a useful resource for buyers,glad you were able to peel back the layers of BS that usualy acompany a used car sale.
I agree, prime is a tight community, and I wish it was a little more organized,

like if you typed in a vin search there should be a list like what
did with the Zanardi NSX's vin, maybe a pic and the last owner/prime
member. like this thread

I know it would take up gigs and gigs of mem for all that data but I think it would be worth it.

I would even be willing to donate a bad ass server for this and maintain it.