Save the US F1 in AUSTIN!! ASAP!!

5 March 2003
N. Tx
Dear NASA Member / Former Member,

Please forgive me for this unsolicited email. This really isn’t about NASA either. It’s about a brand new, state of the art, racing facility here in the USA; Austin Texas to be exact.
They are trying to lock in a Formula One race, and without all of the state and local authorities fully onboard, it might not happen. If it doesn’t happen, the track project might fail.
Please spare just a few seconds to sign the petition referenced below. I am including the original letter from the track below.
Thank you for your help,
Jerry KunzmanExecutive Director
PS: The meeting is June 23.
Please spread this through all social media.

Thanks for taking the time to speak with me a bit this afternoon.
Just to recap: on June 23rd, Austin's City Council will vote on tax issues that will mean the difference between hosting the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix or not. It is very possible Circuit of The Americas will not be built if there does not appear to be enough support for it.
We are hoping to make an online petition go viral:
Any support you could lend us in terms of posting it on the NASA homepage or forwarding the link via newsletter would be of huge service! Also, Any clout you may have with various VIPs - and by that I'm talking about big names in Indy, NASCAR, and other series - would be of great help if it meant we could get drivers and teams tweeting regularly between now and the 23rd, or even posting it on their respective sites.
It's one thing to gain support from within, and another entirely if we can get U.S. racing the fans involved!
The petition was made in conjunction with Circuit of the Americas' media relations firm, Hahn, Texas ( And believe me when I tell you that it will make a positive impact on the City Council's decision-making process if we are able to collect enough signatures.
Thanks again. Please let me know if you have any questions,
-Austin Miller --
Re: Those pesky details

You guys hear about the Sacramento fan/Mayor display that kept the Kings in town one more year? As much as I'd like to think this could be like that, I'm pretty sure the issues facing the citizens of Austin area are much much bigger.

The pesky details here.

Too bad this can't just be about the racing. :frown:
A couple of questions that I have from that article?

1) who the hell cares if the race track is "green"? F' off!

2) if all the hotels are at capacity, doesn't this just mean that more hotels will be built one the track gets approved? You know, creating jobs and the like?

3) any time the State wants to do something, they don't care where the money comes from; they just raise taxes. Doesn't the prospect of outside (indeed, international) income explain where the money will come from? Get a loan.

4) wait, they proposed building a megaplex that holds untold thousands, but they never thought that more roads would need to be built? Wha?

All I know is that my buddies and I are trying to decide if we will purchase a RV or simply hotel rooms. You can take that to the bank!
I love F1, and would be thrilled to see a new US Grand Prix. However, *personal opinion*, I am not in favor of using public money/tax revenue for this purpose...
I love F1, and would be thrilled to see a new US Grand Prix. However, *personal opinion*, I am not in favor of using public money/tax revenue for this purpose...

+1. We flip the bill and everyone ELSE gets rich. What ever happened to RISK + HARD WORK = $$$. Having the public constantly flipping the bill or bailing out companies when things go down the shitter takes the RISK out of the equation.
+1. We flip the bill and everyone ELSE gets rich. What ever happened to RISK + HARD WORK = $$$. Having the public constantly flipping the bill or bailing out companies when things go down the shitter takes the RISK out of the equation.

thats Bernies playbook,you should see what other countries/principalities pay to subsidize F1.I also think that americans when it comes to government spending are way too unconcearned about other states (not thier own) spending friviously......thus because of our size we as a country waste so much money .....on a lot of bogus pork...I love F1...I hope it all works out for Austin.
I love F1, and would be thrilled to see a new US Grand Prix. However, *personal opinion*, I am not in favor of using public money/tax revenue for this purpose...

My thoughts exactly. However, if the residents of Austin want to help pay for the GP then more power to them. If the GP happens, my family and I will be there irrespective of how it happens.