Santa's usual entrance...

20 May 2001
Hawaii, USA 'outrigger canoe', wearing red shorts, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Resort in Waikiki. His canoe was filled with toy's and more, beautiful hula dancers...Aloha

Sorry, this message was to be part of the 'Merry Christmas' thread. (starting with tabasco)

"LIVE LIFE with a NSX"

[This message has been edited by Timeless (edited 26 December 2002).]
Yeah, that is definitely the way to go. I used to spend all my Christmases in Hawaii. Warm, sunny, just gorgeous.

Now I'm divorced and broke. (but happier)
Originally posted by ChopsJazz:
Yeah, that is definitely the way to go. I used to spend all my Christmases in Hawaii. Warm, sunny, just gorgeous.

Now I'm divorced and broke. (but happier)

That's funny! I will be joining that club soon. The 'happier' part I'm looking forward to...

"LIVE LIFE with a NSX"
Like a wiser man once said, "Next time I'll just find an ugly woman and buy her a house."

Actually my wife was a great house-keeper. She kept the house, and everything in it.

But hey, it's just money. When I get myself some more of it we'll have to get together for one of those Tropical Christmases! What island are you on?
A woman friend of mine said I should never get married. She said it was better for me to stay single and make 10 women happy than to get married and make one woman miserable. You guys' views lend further credence to that wisdom. I like keeping ALL of what little money & stuff I have.