San Franciscans... Going to be visiting...what to see, and how do I find....???

22 September 2000
Dallas TX
Ok everyone... I know most of you are worldy I figured I'd ask you all to see what comes up.

My wife and I are heading to San Francisco for a mini vacation soon and are wondering about some of the city life and sights...and places to shop for things.

We'll be staying in the Bay Area (duh?) in or near Japan town/union square west areas. We plan on takign a Napa valley and Red woods tour but other than that we're winging it. So...

1. What's a must see? I wanna see the best of San Fran in a three day visit... so what do you reccomend? I would love to see Yosemite...but not sure that's gonna happen on this trip...any other NATURE related?

2. PLaces to eat? MY wife loves seafood, and although I'm sure there are TONS of places on the Fishermans wharf... where have the regulars been and what's good? Japanese Food?

3. Looking for Japanese platform or tatami beds and furniture...where to look?

4. Cool not too out of the way car things to see/do? Ferrari/lamborghini/exotics to drool over?

5. The Nerd in me MUST see Skywalker ranch... anyone know how far/where/when... What other Star Wars or lucas must sees are there? :cool:

6. We are thikning about taking a tour of Napa and the Miur woods, but can't decide if it's better to pay and be subject to tour schedules or rent a car and drive on our own one day...??? Thoughts? Experiences?

7. anything else you guys can suggest or think of?

thanks in advance guys...
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1. Fisherman's Wharf for the seafood.
2. Sausalito next to a National Park
3. Golden Gate Park
4. Tour of harbor on Hornblower dinner cruise
Definitely drive up to Napa/Sonoma
Check out the Petrified Forest near Calistoga, that is pretty neat if you appreciate the nature thing.
Lots of great wineries to visit, ususally with great restaurants too. The small towns of Yountville, St Helena are more interesting than Napa.

You can do a nice extremely scenic round trip going up through Napa on 29, cut left to visit the P.F at Calistoga. (after you see the geyser of course) then keep on that same road until you meet 12 & head South back down through Sonoma. Take a slight off- track (few miles) off 12 to visit Glen Ellen & the Jack London center - very interesting museum/history of his life & former home. You can again trapse through the woods to the site of his grand dream mansion Wolf House which was burned just as it was almost completed - still lots to see of it having been constructed of solid rocks.
Then you can stop for brief visit at Sears Point as you go right past it on your way back to 101, & also Skywalker ranch is on the same return route to city across the Golden Gate Bridge. Finally, end your drive by driving down Lombard street!
Thats a good full day worth of activity.
There is an EXCELLENT restaurant in Ghirardelli Square called Anna Mandera and the food coupled with the ambience is the perfect recipe for a romantic dinner. Presentation is absolutely superb. It's dress to impress by the way.

Then, for dessert, you can either go for a quick & convenient stroll to Ghirardelli's for awesome ice cream, or for the more exquisite taste (to complement the Anna Mandera experience) a quick drive down Market Street will lead you to a place called Equinox. Trust me, if anything this is where you want to take your lady! It's a revolving restaurant high above The Marriott (or some other hotel, I forget) with the most breath-taking view of the entire San Francisco city.

BTW, parking anywhere in the city ABSOLUTELY SUCKS! Expect it.
Otherwise, have fun!
Joel said:
or for the more exquisite taste (to complement the Anna Mandera experience) a quick drive down Market Street will lead you to a place called Equinox. Trust me, if anything this is where you want to take your lady! It's a revolving restaurant high above The Marriott (or some other hotel, I forget) with the most breath-taking view of the entire San Francisco city.
It's atop the Hyatt. I've been there (on business), and it's okay (it was raining, so the view wasn't that clear).
Yosemite is about a 4 hour drive from SF but is definitely worth the trip. Close by is Highway 1, it is one of the nicest drives around here whether you go north or south of SF. I believe the Skywalker Ranch isn't open to the public, otherwise I would have gone already. Come back in a few years when Lucas' finishes his $250 Million project in the SF. It will have a museum open to the public.

Take a look at for restaurants and things to do.
More humble opinions...

1. Stop calling it "San Fran". (And don't even think about "Frisco".) It's either "San Francisco", or "The City".

2. Equinox is nice; Carnelian Room is better, viewwise. Bribe the maitre d' and get a window table and watch the sun set over the Golden Gate Bridge. (Assuming there's no fog, unlike today.)

3. Forget about Skywalker Ranch. Unless you got a tight connection, you won't even get close.

4. Another great restaurant is Masa's -- it's run by Ron Siegel, the chef who beat Hiroyuki Sakai on Iron Chef, if you're into that sort of thing. Even if not, it's extraordinary food.

5. As far as Muir Woods and Napa Valley, I think you'd be better served renting a car. You can go wherever you want. Of course, the nice thing about a tour bus is that you can drink as much wine as you want :).