San Diego homies - karting Monday nite?

Ill be down as well let me know the date. I live like 5 mins away from K1

PrepaidA$$ said:
"Prepaid Bitch!!"

Let me know, when the prepaid power needs to show up.

Prepaid out!

He'll bring the pre-paid power...I'll bring the A$$! Let me know what the dates are and I'll be there...if I'm in SD!
Ok homies, let's plan on karting on Tuesday, Dec 20th.

How does 6:30pm sound for everyone?

We could go for 2 or 3 sessions (my hands were so sore after 2 sessions).

Afterwards we can go for all-you-can eat sushi at Sushi Taisho.

Let me know if this works for y'all!!

PS - if you can't make the karting, maybe you can meet us for dinner at 7:45pm at Sushi Taisho. :)
Yeah, tonight was a good warm up. I'm down for tuesday! :biggrin:

NsXMas said:
Ok homies, let's plan on karting on Tuesday, Dec 20th.

How does 6:30pm sound for everyone?

We could go for 2 or 3 sessions (my hands were so sore after 2 sessions).

Afterwards we can go for all-you-can eat sushi at Sushi Taisho.

Let me know if this works for y'all!!

PS - if you can't make the karting, maybe you can meet us for dinner at 7:45pm at Sushi Taisho. :)
tbNSX said:
Yeah, tonight was a good warm up. I'm down for tuesday! :biggrin:
I'm so stuffed from sushi. Glad you and your wife liked the sushi. :D

Can't wait to see the mouse tomorrow. And sushi again next Tuesday night. :p :p

ETA: Here are a couple of photos from tonight. :smile:


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