SAD. One less Yellow X

This kid can not drive.

Well, hopefully insurance covers all that, he learns from his mistakes, and the system doesn't put him in jail for the next 40 years...Stupid kid, but at least no one got hurt (as fas as we know)
I would beat that kid senseless. I would guess that since the kid is 15 years old and NOT a licensed driver that his insurance company will not pay. This is assuming that the truck had insurance in the first place. Oh....the pain I would rain down on that kid. :mad:
"Coverage" depends on circumstances not discussed in the news story.

1. Who did the truck belong to? If it belonged to a member of the drivers household, then he is covered. Any member of your household driving an insured vehicle is covered regardless of age. He could be 12 and still be covered.

2. Even if not a member of the household, did the kid have permission to drive? A permissive driver is covered under the policy on the vehicle- not under a personal policy. Permissive driver is covered.

3. Involved in a short police chase- this is a possible reson for "exclusion" from coverage. This is somewhat situational, and some insurance companies would extend coverage depending on the language in the policy. "short police chase" can be interpreted in several ways. If the chase were "short" did the kid know he was being chased? This establishes intent- was he running away, or were the police chasing him down?

Any time you get pulled over for a speeding ticket you have been involved in a "short police chase". Think about it. The "chase" may be just a dramatic phrasing by the local news, and not really what you are picturing in your head.

On the other hand, there is the possibility that the kid was uninsured, the truck was uninsured and some unfortunate NSX owner is shafted.

I love the yellow ones. That sucks.

Isnt that where the uninsured driver part of your policy would kick in (assuming you have it). I would expect if that were my nsx my insurance would pay up due to the other party not having coverage?
Good eye Greg! Anyone have anymore pics or know who's car it is?