Sacramento Area AM Coffee Meet. Sunday 3/4/07

6 November 2003

Greater Sacramento NSXers (not only Sacramento area, but anyone who wants to join from nearby areas) - who is up for an AM Coffee Meet on this Sunday 3/4/07? The weather looks good for Sunday.

I have a couple of ideas for locations - thinking somewhere along 80 East - Roseville area?
How about 9:30am? 10am? Hang out for a little while, drink coffee, hot chocolate, etc. Most likely Starbucks. If anyone has suggestions for a specific location, please post here.

Show up if you have time. If not, no worries, we'll catch you at the next one. :smile:

I'll update this thread w/ the final location and time at the end of the week.

UPDATED w/ Location and Time:

Date: Sunday 3/4/07
Time: 9:30am (we'll likely hang out for a while, so if you arrive later, no problem)
Starbucks Roseville
2030 Douglas Blvd
Suite 12
Roseville, California 95661
(916) 774-6812
Cross streets - Douglas Blvd and Rocky Ridge Dr.
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You know I will be their. I talked to Nick today and he said the parking at the Starbucks on Douglas and Rocky Ridge will be ok on a Sunday morning. Rob
Now this is a long way for me to go for coffee but if I can drive the car I just might grab Calvin and show up, If I can get in and OUT of the car. Might see you there. And use one of Hrants free tokens:biggrin: :biggrin:

If my car is done or not at Shad's I'll be there. I have two Starbucks coupon that my kids gave me as a gift .... time to use :biggrin:


If I go and you dont have a car I will pick you up, how about that..!!! as you have the free tokens:cool:

ill b there too, where exactly are we all going to meet? maybe somewhere a bit closer to south sac/elk grove area PLEASE?
Fark already going to a car club thingy in SF that day.
wish I can make it.......but will be thinking of you guys while I sit on the beach drinking a Mai-Tia or double shot Pina callada at Maui :tongue:

have fun everyone

ill b there too, where exactly are we all going to meet? maybe somewhere a bit closer to south sac/elk grove area PLEASE?

We are meeting in Roseville this time. These coffee meets are low key and we can do them any time. Maybe next time we can go closer to South/EG.
Join us for this one in Roseville - I grew up in South/EG years and years ago, and on a Sunday morning, its only a 40 minute drive (30 minutes for some :biggrin: )

Date: Sunday 3/4/07
Time: 9:30am (we'll likely hang out for a while, so if you arrive later, no problem)
Starbucks Roseville
2030 Douglas Blvd
Suite 12
Roseville, California 95661
(916) 774-6812
Cross streets - Douglas Blvd and Rocky Ridge Dr.
Well I can get in and out of the car and push the clutch so Calvin I will see you at your house at about 9:00 if that works.

Dad (you know who you are) will you be joining us???? you have the tokens

I'll try and make it. Wouldn't want to miss out on a chance to give Steve a good ribbing. :D Plus, if anybody wants to sign up for our Reno-Fernley weekend (June 23-24), I can collect registrations. It's a win-win! But the bigger win is teasing Steve. :p

BW <ducking>
Steve, I'll see you at 9:00, along with mike. He is the new member that sat
across from us at the meeting with his son. I will give you a call as wellsat sometime.
Any one have a set of front 91-96 rotors they want to drop off at Infienon on there way to coffee??

I'll buy coffee and give rides!!

Lost a front rotor today and I have another day scheduled for Sunday...

Thanks Joe, you rock!
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It was a great meet this morning -- I swear we had more NSXs than the Niello dealership. It was nice to meet some of you today, and to revisit some great friends I've made in this club. I hope the swelling in Steve's knee goes down soon. Yikes! Who knew we put that much pressure on our clutch leg? Thanks for the fun Miata jokes, I always get a kick out of the things folks say about my underpowered little cars. ;) Take care and let's do this more often!

Bonnie and all those who attended the coffee sunday. I had a great time
and looking forward to another such type possilbly with a drive connected to it.
Have a great week and I look into a resturant in the roseville area for
our next meeting.
When I used to live in Roseville, my two favorite restaurants were Mel's and Wong's Garden. Wong's doesn't have very good parking, though. Mel's has limited parking, but you can park in back by the bank. I vote for Mel's! :D

Lisa and I had a great time seeing everyone on Sunday. The weather was awesome, the conversation engaging and the enthusiasm for the NSX amazing. Several people came from places a little farther out - Stockton and East Bay - thanks for coming - it was good seeing you guys. We had a lot of NSXs out there...I stopped counting after 15 or so :smile:.

Looking forward to the next coffee meet. :smile: