s2ki Friday Night Meet in Milpitas Ranch

15 October 2003
West coast!
hey guys,

I know a few weeks back we had our dinner meet over in Fremont and then later we caravaned down to Milpitas only to get asked to leave by Security.

The s2ki guys graciously said we are always welcome to join them parking along the stores by SweetHeart Cafe. Mac also suggested a few things so I copied what he said here below.

This way we can all have fun and not worry about cops since obviously we are not the ones causing any trouble :wink:

The security company knows who we are and that we don't cause any trouble. We have to be extremely careful and not give them any reason to kick us out.

Here are a few rules that will also help.
Pickup after yourself, meaning don't leave cups and other miscellaneous trash behind including cigarette butts.
Obey the speed limit and traffic signs in the parking lot.
No drugs. If you need to smoke something please go elsewhere, he's warned me about this.
Do not pop your hood please, for some reason this really upsets them.
They also want us to report any illegal activity. Just be an upstanding citizen is all. We don't need to police the area, if you see anything strange just let me or the security guard know.

We just need to respect their property and if we act like guests then we'll be fine, I don't think it's too much to ask.

I don't think this is going to hinder the fun we normally have and for the most part we all try to obey those rules anyway.
seeya tonight.

Darn - no more burning through tires 1st -3rd gear..... :biggrin:

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Geez Alain... How often do you have to post up about your GTO or make reference to a GTO? We all know that you are a proud GTO owner, but this is an NSX forum. IMO, the paint on your NSX is one of the best that I have seen and I like what you have done to it. So, let's keep to NSX topics, please.

Geez Alain... How often do you have to post up about your GTO or make reference to a GTO? We all know that you are a proud GTO owner, but this is an NSX forum. IMO, the paint on your NSX is one of the best that I have seen and I like what you have done to it. So, let's keep to NSX topics, please.


I would post a pic of the NSX doing burn outs, but it's not capable (at least for now).

My secret for a shiny paint can be learned on May 8th:


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