Run in with a modded Ferrari 348tb

31 January 2006
Northern VA
*DISCLAIMER*The below story is purely fictional and is intended for entertainment purposes only*DISCLAIMER*

So some friends and I rolled up to a local car hand out spot on Saturday night. There were some pretty nice high end cars there that night. Vipers, FD's, Z32's another NSX and a black Ferrari 348tb Spyder. There was something about the Ferarri that I couldn't place...ah hah! It had F355 wheels. Interestingly enough I was a little intrigued by the car. My friend Kevin, Mike and two others were along when I saw the owner of the Ferrari get in and start the car, apparently leaving. I jokingly told Mike to go ask the driver if he'd want to run an NSX. Next thing I know he's over at the Ferrari in conversation with the driver. This went on for like five minutes. Mike walks back over and is like "He's up for a run but he's leaving now so you'll have to hurry up."

Ah shit. A chance to race a Ferrari! I run back to the car, start it up and look over to the spot where the Ferrari was. Gone. Where'd he go?? Did he leave already? I leave the parking lot in what I thought was a chase to find this guy. I thought I saw Ferrari tail lights getting smaller in the distance and I bang some gears to catch up. BRRRRT. Not a Ferrari. Got a call from Kevin who was following the Ferrari in his M3 and said they took the 234 exit toward I-66. Aight, hit the next light and whipped a U-turn. Haul ass back to 234 trying to make up for a little lost time. Give chase, play a little frogger through some light traffic and I spot them. Kevin is behind him and lets me go by. So now it's the Ferrari and I pacing one another, but there are a few cars a little up ahead. Damnit. Wait...what luck!!! The light ahead turns red. I couldn't help but think of the movie The Fast & The Furious when they catch the black F355 at the light with their Supra.

It's me and sweet black Ferrari 348tb at the stoplight. Traffic behind us, clear road as far as the eye could see ahead. The driver introduces himself as Jeff and asks me what I've got done. I reply "It's stock with exception of the exhaust.". Silence for a second. "I'm not sure if it's gonna hook for traction. We'll find out!" Jeff replies. Looks like it's on. The engine of the Ferrari revs up and down, looking for an RPM to launch from. Beutiful exhaust note. I give a rev back. The light on the crossing intersection goes yellow. A figure on the right catches my eye. It's Vin Deisel and he has a message. "Smoke 'em."

Traction control off.

I modulate the throttle, revs hanging at 4,000. The sound, omg the sound. It was a noise that you could only dream about. All intersection lights are red. Still red. It seems like an eternity. The Ferrari's RPM's are up high and holding. Green.

Drop the clutch way too quick. 275mm of rubber being transfered to the pavement and the NSX is a little sideways. 8k comes around quick, VTEC screaming and I hit 2nd, headlights in my passenger side mirror. 50, 60, VTEC comes back! 70, 80, nail 3rd, the Ferrari is still there and screaming. Triple digits now, 110, 115 and I'm at nearly 8k once more. Shut it down. My legs are shaking. Palms are sweaty, my heart is still at redline.

The Ferrari catches side by side as the pace slows. We're cruising at sixty. He looks over and yells "From a 40 roll!". Without thinking much I screamed Deal! Pop down to 2nd gear, approximately 4k RPM. Three honks and we're off. Engines are screaming as I see the 348 pull a slow car length until I top out the gear. Chalk that one up to torque from his V8. Nail 3rd, The distance between us is about the same. Run it to redline and shut it down. That was a pretty even run. I think if we started at 60 instead it would have been much closer since I was totally out of the powerband from the start. He turns off on a side road and I continue on.

Kevin calls and says that Jeff was pointing them to the side road that he turned on. I hit a U and follow the Ferrari and the M3 down through what appeared to be a park. We arrive in a culdasack turning into a long driveway with tall bush like trees on both sides. The road splits as we pass a large house with a round about driveway and follow the Italian sports car back to a secluded garage. Jeff parks the Ferrari at an angle in the corner of a concrete parking area directly in front of a large garage with three bay doors. The M and X right behind. The doors open. It's a collection, bikes and cars of all models. We chat for a bit. Jeff seems to be a really cool and down to earth guy. The Ferrari was a '91 348tb with some sort of aftermarket exhaust, starting with an "S", I want to say Stromung but I may be wrong. Power was estimated at roughly 330. We talked for nearly an hour before heading home. Great night, wish I had it on video.

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Nihilation said:
*DISCLAIMER*The below story is purely fictional and is intended for entertainment purposes only*DISCLAIMER*

275mm of rubber being transfered to the pavement and the NSX is a little sideways.

actually its 550mm of rubber (without discussing contact patch) , but since this is fictional I guess it should be 0mm:biggrin:
Probably a Stebro exhaust
For the NSX, what is the level of reving do you want to be at when running with other fast car at the traffic light?