RPS clutch install - DONE

22 January 2006
Finally finished my RPS clutch install.... ran into a few snags, but everything turned out perfectly, and the car feels better than it ever did.:smile:

the pedal pressure isn't THAT bad (but mine is the newest one - the one people were saying was a little less harsh on your leg than the earlier ones), but this clutch bites hard - me like, me like.

very glad I did this..... i learned so much about the car, and it was fun to work on because everything looks so alien on it.

i was going to put together a detailed DIY, but i wound up not taking as many pics as intended (started strong, got too involved with the actual work). oh well - i think there is enough info on the site to get it done the right way.... also, the serv manual is pretty good in its procedures (just missing a couple things, and some tips that make life a lot easier).... just make sure you have the whole manual so you can get more detailed info where necessary. If i have time, i will try to put something together anyway -least i can do..... this website is the biggest help to me

anyway, just thought i'd share my excitement.... the car was out of commission for over a month (worked on it only on the weekdays for a couple hours here and there, was out for business for a week, etc.)

only regret is not taking ins off of the car (didn't cross my mind until i realized how long it was up on jackstands)