RPM in 5th at 70 mph? & 80 mph?

3 September 2011
Northville MI
Hi folks... I am wondering what the rpm is on a stock setup in 5th at 70 mph and 80 mph. My 1991 has a NSX-R gear, and it runs 3200 at 70 mph and 3600 at 80 mph.

You can figure this out by interpolating using the gearing charts in the Wiki/FAQ, such as here.

For example, assuming by "stock setup" you're referring to the U.S. '91-94 stock setup, you can see that at redline (8000 RPM) the speed would be 186 (ignoring drag limitations). Therefore the RPM in 5th gear at 70 mph is 70/186*8000 = 3011 RPM.

At all speeds, you would expect your RPM to be 4.26 percent higher (the ratio of the final drive ratios is 4.235/4.062 = 1.0426). So instead of 3011 RPM, yours would be 3139 RPM.
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I have not seen that resource before..... Thx!