You have spent a great deal of money on these parts, getting them to fit and so forth, but everyone seems to be looking for the item that makes the car not look quite right; I think it is primarily the wheels, but others are pointing at the drop, the skirts, etc. - these can also be upgraded, as its a very aggressive kit (how many times have I mentioned aggressive?), but the main thing is wheels/tires:
17/17 looks great on a slammed car with a stock-ish body, or NA2-R conversion, and it is perhaps the optimal size with regard to performance, but once you add a GT wing into the mix, the car looks off, I know this because I tried it, and was unhappy with the result. I put 17/17 work wheels on the car, they looked great until I installed a Voltex wing, then I tried to source an 18" rear, but couldn't find a suitable size, as the wheel had been discontinued. Now, I have temporary wheels installed, 16/17 TE37 - they're lightweight, strong, but too small for the car. I have seen the same combo on a stock car, and it looked fantastic (why I bought them in the first place), so I am putting my 17/18 BBS LM's back on the car (after less than a month).
I would try to find a pair of concave 18" rears, with these installed, you can decide whether or not to hit the other detail spots (underwing, side skirts, etc.)
I am sure, regardless of these other items, the car gets considerable attention? It's one of the few nsx's in the UK, one of the few that have been upgraded to 2002+, and now perhaps the only one with the R-GT kit installed. Probably a "sure thing" to get it featured in one of the UK's tuner magazines.