rocker panel sideskirt mounting kit / stacy sideskirts question(s)

25 June 2014
ok, so i just bought some stacy sideskirts and someone told me i may not hafta drill my rockers in order to fasten the long aluminum brackets to them.

doing my due diligence, i checked out SOS and found they had a kit for this:

naturally, like everything else i want from that site, it's no longer available.

continued my due diligence and did a search here on prime and couldn't find much in the way of further info on the kit.

so... i'm just wondering if anyone else has made these kits, or is making them, and if they'll work with the stacys skirts? certainly there's gotta be someone out there that's faced this dilemma already as well...

thanks in advance! :)
Come by, I'll make those in about two seconds. I think I might have enough steel, if not home depo.

I hate side skirts that don't fit 100% so it likely will take awhile to install. I also hate double sided tape, not sure if that's what they still use. Best to take it to a body guy and get them bolted and bondo'd on but for these maybe that's not the best way because the inner door part. On my old 300, it seemed best.
in the SOS kit pics, the pieces look like they're from hope depot, no doubt. and $100 for that? wow.

anyone here with the Stacy sides that did this kinda thing?
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