Road trip

27 June 2003
Lenexa, KS, USA
I just got home from a 6K road trip. The NSX was comfortable and fun to drive, in short wonderful.:)

I did, however, find that hydroplaning is, like with the s2k, a very real possibility. In rain, most everyone was able to go faster than me.:)

There are times whan other drivers jam youup when you drive an NSX (rubberneckers).:p

Finally a 'people'-related observation. You know you're a redneck when the highlight of your social calandar is the stop you make at the local gas station.:D
i drove about a 2 hour drive in the rain and everytime i hit black new paved road, my car slid so bad that i thought i was going to lose it!!

Drove rain, dry roads, racing my buddies BMW M3...doing about 130 or so.

Then i wake up in hte morning and go out to realize i ate through toyo proxes T-1s 18's in about 2000 miles! balder than a baby's butt!

Could you please tell us a bit more about your road trip? Where did you go? Any secret back roads the community should know about? Any sites a must see? mom and pop restaurant suggestions?

Six thousand miles is an extreme trip and I would love to hear about some details if you have the time.

One of the reasons I ask is that I also purchased the NSX with the intent of doing a bit of grand touring. :D
I hate to admit it; but, for the most part I used the “I-##” system. However, I found a couple of roads in Mississippi that were extremely exhilarating. State roads 15, 16, 19, and 35 into and out of Philadelphia, MS are twisty, low traffic, and well maintained.

West of Phil., MS, on MS-16, are two casinos and a Hard Rock café called The Hard Rock Beach Club -- I happen to be an HRC fan. The only way to this HRC is via MS-## roads and most of the traffic is 65-70 mph (55 mph signs).

As far as restaurants are concerned, I am not (when I am alone on a trip) a very imaginative diner. Most of my meals were at Cracker Barrel, Denny’s, and the like.

My trip started in Overland Park, KS. My first stop was in Terre Haute, IN for an oil change (I am big on getting one every 3K miles). Then, it was on to Pittsburgh, PA, (HRC). From There, I drove to Toronto, ON, Boston, MA, New York, NY, Philadelphia, PA, Atlantic City, NJ, Baltimore, MD, and Washington, DC. Then in Jupiter FL it was time for another oil change. I-95 from Daytona to Miami is almost one big construction zone. Off again to Miami, FL, Philadelphia, MS, and home.

This was not really an adventure trip (back roads, mom and pops…); but, rather a getaway for me. Driving relaxes me and clears my head. Since I am an HRC fan, this trip also helped me fill in my collection of HRC shirts.