Road Rage - Camp Pendleton Marine Sergeant LOSES it.

28 March 2002
Oxnard, CA , USA
Have any of you seen this?
The sergeant clearly needs some help. He's a Purple Heart recipient, but PTSD or not, he is in the wrong.
The person recording the video is a female Marine that is paralyzed from the waist down, injured in combat.
The driver is her brother, a civilian, and her caretaker.
I find it odd it took that long to get PMO (Military Police) out there since this happened pretty close to the main gate.

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Road Rage Marine
By EpicViralz

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Loved how calm buddy was lol. That guy needs some serious counseling.
I feel bad for the wife married to that thing.
He needs locking up. The poor guy in the car behind and his passenger, very difficuilt not to react in the face of such provication.

He did the right thing, he was escorting his disabled sister. No reason to get out in a battle of fisticuffs and put her in a compromised position.
I like how he goes apoplectic when there are others to hold him back. The driver did do the right thing. There is no win scenerio in this situation unless the driver wanted to get into an altercation.
Very strange- why exactly was the guy supposed to get out of the truck? OH, so he could get his ass kicked by a super aggro Marine.

I'm sure he was in a big hurry to get out, probably just collecting his thoughts for the intelligent conversation they were about to have...
LOL, what a drama queen. I wish someone would pull that nonsense with me.
kept waiting for a passing car to take this roid raging homo out....where is a drunk driver when you need one???:tongue:
Stuff happens. Testosterone mixed with too much caffeine mxed w/ cultural shortcomings. Reminds me (much angrier though) of my co-worker, a slightly high strung Chief. He was pitching a fit at me about me calling a sailor who was off duty. I silly apologized and told him it wouldn't happen again. About 15 mi s later he apologized for losing his temper. I gave him the courtesy of not making a big deal of it since he is in the service and that is part of the culture. When he retires in 2 years he will find the civilian world a little less tolerant.

Whos to say both parties don't " legally" own firearms? And looky they both managed not to blow each others brains out wild west style! But that doesn't fit the narrative does it?

They only managed because you can't have a personal firearm on base.