Road Condition Rant

3 June 2012
Driving the Dragon
So ever since the ice storm in the Metroplex our roads are now littered with sand, gravel and whatever the highway department could throw out. I'm glad I'm not having to daily drive my NSX due to the garbage on the roadway. The road department should have street sweepers cleaning up this nonsense ! I guess our only hope is a major rain storm to wash it all away! :mad:
I'm fixin to go for a drive, but it will just be around the neighborhood. If you get out on the main roads you're asking for a sand blasting.
you guys should move to NE Pa.:frown:
FWIW, same rant topic but on a different date recently.
A few days b 4 Thxgivin, wife and I took a "must":wink: drive to Louisiana from San Diego as my smog:mad: is due and also spending Thxgivin down by the Bayou with friends!

The weather wasn't in our favorite began in San Diego on I-10 and the forecast looked even more grim crossing TX but did not expecting hail/snow/freezing rain combo either. An hour passing El Paso shortly b 4 Van Horn, we reached a check point and the line was the longest I had ever experienced all these years driving including LA traffic that we could not see the actual point for many miles. To make a short story long, we sat for over 3 hours and finally saw two semi trailers overturned was the culprit. Glad it wasn't 100F+ as I don't have AC. There were about a few inches of snow/freezing rain everywhere and it was hard to change lane without yanking the steering but we were in the middle of no where. I was very nervous as I am on summer tires and EVERYONE was going 30-40mph max. Wife is from Canada, she wanted me to follow a semi:eek: (not that close) until I realize the big tires from the semi actually churn the snow quite a bit to create a clearer path to drive on....but, still at 30-40mph for 2 front end was covered in thick ice and it came off at a gas station as one piece.....hey DF, want my mold to make a lighter frt bumper?, why did God make TX so big?

Upon reaching San Antonio, we cked in a motel and the tv said 8 people died on TX road that day due to the weather which was mostly north of I-10.

OTOH, had a great time down by the Big and Easy, too bad wasn't crawfish season but my car doesn't need smog anymore:wink:

Wife said I missed my calling in life.....I should have been a truck driver but the NSX just kept going and going and going.
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So ever since the ice storm in the Metroplex our roads are now littered with sand, gravel and whatever the highway department could throw out. I'm glad I'm not having to daily drive my NSX due to the garbage on the roadway. The road department should have street sweepers cleaning up this nonsense ! I guess our only hope is a major rain storm to wash it all away! :mad:
Don't complain,
I haven't seen the pavement in front of my house since the beginning of November, and wont see it until April. There is no parking on the street since the snow plows have come and and piled up the snow three feet high and a car width wide from the road. No the road is still not visible after the plow. This will remain that way until April. A week ago, we had a 1/2 inch of freezing rain. That will only go away before spring if we go to -25C or colder with extra low humidity and sublimation takes it away. In May the street cleaner will come by once for the year and still leave enough sand and snow melt residue that I will have to sweep it my self before my NSX come out of the garage.
I wish I had your issues! count your blessings!

Very little violins playing :-)
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