Road clowns

21 June 2005
Yesterday ( on my B-day no less ) I approched an intersection and proceded to make a right turn. As I completed the turn, the signal for the waiting traffic turned to green, so I gave the gas pedal a nudge in order to put me at a comfortable distance ahead of the upcoming traffic behind me. Well, apparently my NSX show was too threatening for these two guys in a Datsun Z car. They buzzed by me, encrouching my lane and giving me the finger !!!
We ended up next to each other ( separated by a car ) at the light. They were saying something to me through their open windows, but I held off the temptation to say that one of my seats was worth more than their whole car and just ignored them. This experience has led me to conclude that :1) A pussy will grow balls if they have their friend to back them up. 2) an NSX will arouse a lot of jelousy....
Was driving on I-95N at night this weekend. Guy in an obnoxiously loud Z28 zooms past at over 100. I maintain my speed, get off at my exit. Approach the red light at the end of the ramp...there is the Z28.

Pull up in the other lane, no traffic ahead, we are the only two cars visible for quite a distance. Light turns green, Z28 zooms off again as if we were at an NHRA drag strip. I maintain my speed, stop at the next light and guess what...same scenario all over again. Light turns green...

Bottom line: My NSX gets much better gas mileage than that Z28, and gets from A to Z in almost the same amount of time! :wink:
That is called Inferiority Complex. An E46 M3 just zoom off on the sight of my NSX and I was not even driving fast. :biggrin:
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The same kinda thing happened to me. I've had my NSX for about a week. A couple of days ago I was coming home from my parents house. I was travelling about 80 on the freeway, then this guy in a fixed up Miata was cruising next to me he would pull up then slow down again. I'm just thinking "you jealous or what?" Mind you that my 3 yr old daughter was with me. I held my composure and just stay within the speed limit and let that fool drool over my car till he had his fill and try to speed away. I know I could've taken him in my bone stock 91 vs his neon lit, exhaust and body kit miata.
I never knew people could act like complete asses out of jeaulousy.... That was until i bought the NSX, Man o man.... the things people sometimes do.
91 NSX said:
Bottom line: My NSX gets much better gas mileage than that Z28, and gets from A to Z in almost the same amount of time! :wink:
Not to mention,
- It's better looking
- Superior engineering
- Handles better, and is lighter
- Will still be running in the year 2010!
NSXROX said:
Not to mention,
- It's better looking
- Superior engineering
- Handles better, and is lighter
- Will still be running in the year 2010!

Amen to that! :biggrin: