Road Clearance

18 December 2009
Cary North Carolina
Hi Everyone,

I just bought a 2003 NSX that's in showroom condition (5000 mil). My road clearance is about 5.3 inches (I think) and we have some nasty speed bumps on nearby streets. I'm not too eager to what it's like to scape the bottom of my car at 10 mph on one of those bumps.

What's your advice/experience with such.

1. Avoid those streets
2. Drive only a few miles per hour
3. Approach speed bumps at an angle
4. Do one wheel at a time
1. Avoid those streets
2. Drive only a few miles per hour
3. Approach speed bumps at an angle
4. Do one wheel at a time

Right on, try to get as parallel to the speed bump as possible before passing over it. This goes for driveways with a very steep lip as well.

1. Avoid those streets
2. Drive only a few miles per hour
3. Approach speed bumps at an angle
4. Do one wheel at a time

+ 2 ... perfect!

Even @ parking lots, when I see them .. specially the NASTY ones, I STOP, turn around etc, people get a bit pissed behind me @ first, then realize I have NO OPTION
